MoD S12 - Neoplasm IV Flashcards
What was the incident rate for cancer and cancer death in 2008 worldwide?
13 million new cases
7.6 million deaths
In 2010 what was the incidence rate for cancer and cancer death in the UK
What are the most common cancers in the UK?
What proportion of cancer in the UK do these represent?
(All carcinomas)
Make up over 50% of all cancers combined (In the UK)
Give the proportion of new cancer cases diagnosed in:
- Over 65s
- Under 24s
60% in over 65s
1% in under 24s
What are the common cancers in children under 14?
CNS tumours
Give statistics that show the broad range of 5 year survival rates between tumour types
Separate statistics for men and women please!
Men: Testicular - 93% Hodgkin's lymphoma - 84% Melanoma - 78% Oesophageal - 7% Lung - 6% Pancreatic - 3%
Women: Melanoma - 90% Hodgkin's lymphoma - 83% Breast cancer - 79% Oesophageal - 8% Lung - 6% Pancreatic - 2%
Overall, what types of cancer accounted for the greatest proportions of death?
Lung - 22%
Colorectal - 10%
Breast - 7%
Prostate - 7%
What factors might influence the prediction of favourable outcome in someone with cancer?
Age General health status The tumour site Tumour grade (i.e. differentiation) Tumour stage Effective treatment availability
Describe the TNM staging system
3 factors T, N and M
- Primary tumour size
- T1 to T4
- Regional node metastasis
- N0 to N3
- M denotes distant metastatic spread
- M0 or M1
These ratings then converted to ‘stage’ (I to IV)
Briefly describe the TNM stages, giving TNM values for each stage
Stage 1:
- Early local disease
- Low T, N0, M0
Stage 2:
- Advanced local disease
- Higher T, N0, M0
Stage 3,
- Regional metastases present
- Any T, N>1, M0
Stage 4:
- Advanced disease with distant metastases
- Any T, Any N, M1
What is the Ann Arbor staging system?
Give an example of a cancer type that uses this rating
Used for lymphomas (E.g. Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Stage 1:
- Lymphoma in single nodal region OR one body organ
Stage 2:
- Two separate nodal regions OR an organ and 1 group of nodes on one side of the diaphragm
Stage 3:
- Spread to both sides of diaphragm
Stage 4:
- Disseminated involvement of one or more extra-lymphatic organs (E.g. Lungs, Bone marrow)
Describe Duke’s staging
Used for colorectal cancers
Stage A:
- Cancer present in the mucosa, may be projecting into lumen
Stage B:
- Cancer growth through to the muscle layers
Stage C:
- Cancer has spread to at least 1 lymph node close to the bowel
- C2 = Apical node involvment
Stage D:
- Cancer has spread to a distant site (E.g. Lung)
Describe the staging of breast cancer
TNM staging used
T stages: Tis - Carcinoma in situ T1 - 2cm or less T2 - 2-5cm T3 - >5cm T4 - Spread to chest wall or overlying skin
N stages:
N0 - No cancer in nearby nodes
N1 - Upper lymph nodes on same side as breast show cancer cells
N2- Cells in armpit or retrosternal nodes
N3 - Cells in lymph nodes surrounding just the collarbone, or collarbone and armpit
M stages:
M0 - No distant metastases
M1 - Cancer has spread to distant site
Describe the staging of prostate cancer
TNM staging used
T stages:
T1 - too small to be seen
T2 - Tumour is contained within prostate, one or both lobes
T3 - Broken through prostate capsule but no spread
T4 - Spread to nearby body organs (rectum, bladder)
N stages:
NX - Lymph nodes cant be checked
N0 - No cancer cells in lymph nodes
N1 - Cancer cells in lymph nodes
M stages: M0 - No cancer spread outside pelvis M1a - Cancer spread to nodes outside pelvis M1b - Cancer in bone M1c - Cancer in other organs
Describe the staging of bladder cancer
TNM staging used
T stages: Ta - Cancer in urothelium T1 - Cancer in lamina propria T2 - Cancer in muscle layer T3 - Cancer has grown into fat layer T4 - Cancer growth through muscle into adjacent organs (E.g. Prostate, uterus, abdominal wall)
N stages: N0 - No nodal cancer N1 - Cancer in one node in the pelvis N2 - Cancer in >1 node in the pelvis N3 - Cancer in 1 or more nodes in the groin (other areas)
M stages:
M0 - No spread to distant site
M1 - Spread to distant site
Describe the standard form of cancer grading
Give examples of cancer types that use this system
G1 - Well differentiated
G2 - Moderately differentiated
G3 - Poorly differentiated
G4 - Undifferentiated or anaplastic
Squamous cell carcinoma
Colorectal carcinoma
Give another example of a cancer grading system and include an example of a cancer type it is used for
Include 10 year survival rate at each stage
Bloom-Richardson grading
Used for breast carcinoma
- Tubule formation
- Nuclear variation
- Number of mitoses
I - 85% 10yr survival
II - 60% 10yr survival
III - 15% 10yr survival
In what situations is tumour grade an important factor?
In certain cancers:
- Soft tissue sarcoma
- Primary brain tumours
- Lymphoma
- Breast cancer
- Prostate cancer
Important for:
- Planning treatment
- Determining prognoses
What are the common methods of cancer treatment?
Surgery Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Hormone therapy Treatment targeting specific molecular alterations
What treatments commonly accompany surgical treatment of cancer?
- Given post-op to eliminate subclinical disease
- Given to reduce primary tumour size pre-op
Describe how radiotherapy is useful and how it’s performed
Radiotherapy gives fractionated doses of X rays or other ionising radiation to kill rapidly dividing cells (especially in G2)
High dosage causes free radical induced DNA damage that promotes apoptosis at cell cycle checkpoints
Double stranded DNA breakages also occur which prevents M phase completing properly
Surrounding cells are shielded to minimise damage to healthy tissue
Describe method of action(s) involved in the different drug classes used for chemotherapy
Give examples for each mechanism
Several drug classes exist
- Mimic normal substates involved in DNA replication
- E.g. Fluorourocil
Alkylating and platinum based drugs:
- Cross link the two strands of the DNA double helix
- E.g. Cyclophosphamide, Cisplatin
- Doxorubicin inhibits DNA topoisomerase, which is needed for DNA synthesis
- Bleomycin causes DNA double strand breaks
Plant derived drugs:
- Vincristine blocks microtubule assembly and interferes with mitotic spindle formation
Give examples of hormone therapy used for the treatment of cancers
Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMS):
- Bind to oestrogen receptors, preventing oestrogen binding
- Used to treat hormone receptor positive breast cancer
Androgen blockage:
- Used in the treatment of prostate cancer
Give 2 drugs that target cancer specific molecular alterations and explain how they work
- 1/4 of breast cancers grossly over express HER-2
- Can block HER-2 signalling
- Chronic myeloid leukaemia shows a t9-22 chromosome re-arrangement creating a ‘Philadelphia chromosome’ on which an oncogenic fusion protein (BCR-ABL) is encoded
- Inhibits fusion protein
What are tumour markers?
What are some of the general classes of tumour markers?
Substances release by cancer cells into circulation
They can be used by the clinician to monitor tumour burden or contribute to diagnoses
- Hormones
- Oncofetal antigens
- Specific proteins
- Mucins/glycoproteins
Give 3 examples of tumour marks for 3 types of cancer and give their most common use as markers
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA):
- Related to colorectal cancers and breast cancer
- Used to check for colorectal cancer spread and breast cancer recurrence
Beta- Human chorionic gonadotrophin (B-hCG):
- Related to choriocarcinoma and testicular cancer
- Used to assess stage, prognosis and treatment response of cancer
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP):
- Related to liver and germ cell tumours
- Used to diagnose and determine response to treatment of liver cancer
- Used to assess stage, prognosis and response to treatment of germ cell tumours
What is cancer screening and what are some of the associated problems with screening?
What cancers are screened for in the UK?
Screening attempts to detect cancer signs as early as possible when the chance of a cure is highest
Screening can have problems such as lead time bias, length bias and over diagnoses
In the UK, cervical, breast and bowel cancer are screened for
Describe the process of cervical cancer screening
Give the schedule for invitation to screening
Cytological smears to look for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (pre-cancerous)
Curative treatment can be given if positive and before invasion
- 25yrs at first invitation
- 25 to 49 is every 3 years
- 50 to 64 is every 5 years
- 65+ is in those who haven’t been screened since 50 or those who have had recent abnormality
Describe the process of breast cancer screening
What is the screening schedule?
Mammogram taken to identify invasive cancer before they can be felt, identifies densities and calcification
Generally 10 - 15mm in size
Saves 1 in 500 women screened
Screened every 3 years from 50 - 69