mod 8 A/B Flashcards
Routine bathing
Partially bathed 2x times a day
incontinent peri care provided after toilet and incontinence garment
Showered/ Bathed: 1-2x per week
What to do if you find a rash?
upon finding a rash you wil then place wasbcloth and towels in soild linen bag and new pair of gloves
you do not want to spread to other part of body
After bath what can resident reuqest?
back massage
Ease Distress bathing
- although they can refuse things such an incontinence care are necessary
- provide conversation
- offer comforting items
Alternatives to bath or shower
Bath can be done in whatever order as long as infection control is maintained
Complete bed bath
rimeless products
wash hair in sink or bed
What to do when it becomes distress bathing
never process with bath if patient is agitated
stop the bath and cover resident, returning them to their room discuss options with nurse
Rineless Options
reduce risk of agitated patient as they are faster
Most common: Peri-Care
Dispoasebal rinless: offered for hair
Great for resident with dementia or scsred of water
Peri Care
- Done at the end of the bath ALWAYS
- only expose perinuem, upper body covered with bath/bed blanket
Downard: covreed with sheet or bedspread
Place incontience pad under resident
What is the cleanest part of the perineum and what way should you clean?
You should being doing it clean to dirty
Urethra is the cleanest area
Female Peri-Care
Open labia with nondominant hand
* With soapy washcloth, start at top of labia and wash downward toward anus
* Start at urethra and work toward outer aspect
* Wash front to back at least three times
* Wash until area is clean
* Use clean part of washcloth with each wipe
* Rinse with new washcloth, following the same steps
* Pat area dry
Male peri-care
Determine if they are circumcised
If resident is uncircumcised, pull foreskin back to clean head of penis
* Wash, starting at tip of penis and moving downward to base
* Continue until penis is cleansed, using new part of washcloth with each wipe
May take 3 wipes
* Rinse in same manner, then pat dry
* Gently pull foreskin back in place
* If unable to retract foreskin, immediately inform nurse
What is paraphimosis
swelling preventing the resrrection of foreskin back over the head of the penis
Could result in emegrency cirucismion
To complete peri care
Have resident roll onto their side
* Wash buttocks with soapy washcloth
* Then wash anal area from front to back
* Use adult wipes before cleaning if feces is present, once feces removed do not place washcloth in basin
* Use clean part of washcloth with each wipe
* Wash until area is clean
* Rinse in same manner
* Gently pat buttocks and anal area dry
complete peri care incotient
place an incontinent brief under the resident while on their side
rub barrier cream
Partial bed bath
- Morning/Evening
In bed or while sitting on toielt
Prep space for supplies (pverhead table)
overhead table lay down abrrier
Face, hands, under arms, under breast, under abdominal folds, and peri-care
Ask if they want soap on face, dementia/dsiability no soap
empty water in toilet
complete bed bath
Every area of body is washed
usually for those that get agitated or cannot sit on shower chair
min: 4 wash cloths
2 body, 2 peri-care
Face and neck
* Arms/ hands
* Chest, breasts, and abdomen
* Axillae (underarms)
* Back
* Hips and legs
* Feet
* Perineal area
- Check on water constantly
Change water if too cold, too soapy, too dirty
always change water before peri-care
Complete bed bath order
Face and neck
* Arm s and hands
* Chest, breasts, and abdom en
* Axillae (underarm s)
* Back
* Hips and legs
* Feet
* Perineal are
Shower and tub bath
Pad shower chair
Removal: gait belt, shirt, socks, shoes, underwear, pants
* Provide support for resident’s legs while in chair
* Use heat lamps if available
* Keep resident warm and covered
* Regulate water tem during process
Ask if they want hair washed
Peri-care: spread legs open as wide as possible
clothes back on: bra, shirt, underwear, pans, socks, shoes,
whirpool bath
Only use when relaxing for patients
require pt in first
start with cold water first
Wash head to toe
ask about hair wash
not able to cleanse bottom but jet actions should
require more it can be done after
Medicinal bath
Epsom salts
* Pine or tar products
* Oatm eal or bran
* Sitz bath
hold them to ligth
make sure nosepices attached
look at skin behind ears
Hearings aids
1: ensure they are clean
2: place battery in
3: to make sure work place in cupped hands if abttery whistles it works
4: insert hearing aids
5: if they dont work tell nrs
Assisting with dressing
Allow resident to choose clothes
* Provide at least two clothing options
* Choose matching outfit for resident if they are unable
* Ensure clothes are clean
* Check whether family or facility does resident’s laundry
Assisting resident with on weak side
Support affected limb while dressing
* Place affected arm in sleeve first when putting on shirt
* Take shirt off from unaffected side first when removing
* If resident has an IV, take care not to disturb; ensure there is no pulling or tugging
Assisting with anti embolism socks
Commonly referred to as TED hose
* Worn to decrease risk of blood clot formation in the legs or to decrease edema a in legs and feet
* Knee-high or thigh-high styles
* Worn as ordered by physician: around the clock or during day only
* Ensure stockings are wrinkle-free once on resident
* Must be washed by hand