Mod 7 - HTML Flashcards
What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is what web pages are written in. The web browser will read the language and display (render) the content specified by the language.
What is a WYSIWYG text editor?
A WYSIWYS (What You See Is What You Get) text editor hides/obscures the formatting language used. So when you bold text, it just appears bold but plain text editors show the formatting. ex. Word
How are tags enclosed in HTML?
Always enclosed in angle brackets & are case insensitive.
What are paired tags?
They act like quotation marks & surround the content they affect. Nesting is allowed if closed properly.
What is an example of an unpaired tag?
“<hr>” or horizontal rule/line
What is DOCTYPE! html?
It appears at the top of a file and tells the web browser that it is an HTML document. it is not an html tag but it specifies the language version so the information is displayed correctly. This is always followed by which the document will be closed with as well.
What are the two main components in a document?
- Header : specifies additional info about a document
2. Body : specifies the document content
How does white space work in HTML?
HTML ignores white space in the document, so there is no difference between 1 space and 100 spaces because it is all displayed the same. You must add white space for it to show up.
How do you add white space in HTML?
- You can group text into paragraphs with the <p> tag which adds whitespace between paragraphs.
- You can start a new line mid-paragraph with the <br></br> tag (line break).
- You can add extra space between two words with (non-breaking space) </p>
How do you reference special characters?
It will always start with & and end with ;
ex. for ampersand, use & as well as for emojis
What are the heading tags?
<h1> main heading <h2> sub-heading <h3> sub-sub-heading etc. (all have closing tags)</h3></h2></h1>
What are tag attributes?
They are when tags include additional info on the tag behaviour. General syntax is:
How does the image tag work?
it inserts an image & its format is.
URL can be used to input image as well.
What tag is used to hyperlink?
<a> with href which specifies the link address </a>
How do you internally & externally hyperlink?
Internal: ‘<a>local file</a>
External: ‘<a>favourite video</a>
How do you link to an item in the same page?
An ID attribute is required.
ex. <h2>background info</h2>
<a> go to background</a>
Also works for a specific element, like history, and email addresses.
What are the two types of lists?
- Ordered: uses <ol> tags with <li> tags nested.
ex: <ol>
<li> meow 1. meow
</li><li> woof 2. woof
</ol> - Unordered: uses </ol><ul> tags with <li> tags nested.
ex: <ul>
<li> meow - meow
</li><li> woof - woof
How do you make a table in HTML?
Use the element which will have several table rows and each row has data elements .
Can use attributes like border for () or colspan for td ().
How do you bold or italicize text?
<b> … </b> will bold text.
<i> … </i> will italicize text.