Mod 5 - Advanced Excel Functions Flashcards
What do you use to ensure excel is interpreting a label, such as, + tax, or = total, correctly?
Use an apostrophe before the label so excel will interpret it correctly.
ex. ‘+ tax
What do you use so something is interpreted as text and not a formula?
Use quotation marks surrounding the phrase.
ex. “=Total”
What is concatenation?
It is when two or more values are joined together and is often used to combine a few pieces of text that reside in different cells.
=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, etc.)
ex. First + middle + last name > reads as first middle last in a new cell
What is an ampersand (&) used for?
It is similar to the CONCATENATE function as it combines different text strings or values.
ex. D5 = 113
=”Your total is”&D5 reads as: Your total is 113
What is the TEXT function?
It takes a number and converts it to a certain form.
=TEXT(value, format)
ex. =”Your total is”&TEXT(D5, “$0.00”)&”.”
reads as: Your total is $113.00.
What is the UPPER function?
It changes words in a cell to uppercase lettering.
ex. =UPPER(C7)
How do you select part of a sentence to be shown?
Can use LEFT, RIGHT, MID. =LEFT(text, number of characters) =MID(text, start at letter number, number of characters) ex. LEFT(C9, 20) =MID(C9, 10, 10)
What is the FIND function?
It finds a certain part of the text and tells you which character it is.
=FIND(find text, within text)
ex. =FIND(“@”, C13)
How do I reference a cell from one worksheet in another?
Use an exclamation mark after the sheet name.
ex. Sheet1!B2
What are the possible Boolean values?
everything is either true or false
What are the 3 primary Boolean operators?
or, and, not
How does NOT work?
Basically opposites - you cannot have something.
not(x) is true, then x is false
not(x) is false, then x is true
How does AND work?
You must get both items to be true.
ex. you get fries AND salad with a meal
and(x, y) is true if both x is true and y is true.
and(x, y) is false if x is false
and(x, y) is false if y is false
What kind of OR does Boolean logic use?
It uses an inclusive OR where you can have either or both and it is true. (exclusive or is when you may have one or the other but not both)
How does OR work?
You can have 1 of the 2 or both and it will be true.
or(x, y) is true if x and y is true
or(x, y) is true if x is true
or(x, y) is true if y is true
or(x, y) is false if both x is false and y is false