Mod 5 Flashcards
What does apicoectomy mean
Surgical removal of the apical portion of the tooth
What r the symptoms of pupal damage
Oversensitivity to hot n cold
Pain n discomfort
Facial swelling
What is debridement mean
Removal of debris,including neurotic nerve tissue,from a tooth root canel
What is extripation
Removal of infected pulp tissue within a tooth
What is necrotic pulp?
Non vital pulp that is dead & gangrenous
What is obturate
To fill the root cancels of a tooth
What is a periapical abscess
Infection from withit he tooth that spreads out through the apex & into surrounding bone
What does pulpitis mean
Inflammation of tooth pulp
What is alveolitis
A post extraction complication resulting in inflammation of the alveolar process also known as dry socket
What is ankyloglossia
Shortness of tongues frenum literally tongue tied
What is diastema mean
A gap between two teeth
What is exodontia mean
The extraction of a tooth
What is luxate mean
To put out of joint or place
What does malignant mean
Tumor that is life threatening ,such as a squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma
What is another name for calculus
WHat is the socket of a tooth called
What is autonomy mean
Independent fuctioning
A tooth forcibly separated from its socket is called what
Avulsed tooth
What portion of the tooth can be seen clinically
What is decalcification
The removal of calcium cells from the bone or teeth
What do they call the shedding of primary set of teeth
What do they call the stuff that is inhaled and is a flammable anesthetic and gas
Nitrous oxide
What is a open bay
A big room with no walls
What is a non vital tooth
A tooth in witch the pulp tissue is dead
What is a papoose board
A restraint used for the safety of kids
What do we call a removal of pulp tissue in the crown portion only
What is a pulpectomy
Complete removal of all pulp tissue
What is a space maintainer used for
To close the space between teeth
What are t-bands for
A retainer free matrix made of brass, commonly used on primary teeth
What is a traumatic intrusion
A tooth forcibly driven into the alveolus with only a part of the crown visible
What is a vital tooth
Alive or healthy pulp tissues nb
The part of a tooth that is visible in the oral cavity is what
Clinical crown
Stains that are formed from within the tooth’s structure are called
Endogenous stains
Stains that are formed outside the tooth are called what
Exogenous stains
The stains on the external surfaces of the teeth that can be removed with polishing is called what
Extrinsic stain
What is fulcrum
Finger stabilizing point
What are stains formed from within the tooth structure that can not be removed with polishing is called what
Intrinsic stains
A complete removal of all stains debris and calculus is called what
Subgingival means what?
Below the gingival tissue
What is supragingival mean
Above the gingival tissue
What is acrylate
A salt acrylic acid
What is a material that is set by a chemical process of mixing a base and catalyst togather
Chemically cured
What is a dental sealant
A hard clear or opaque or tinted resin that is placed on the pits and fissures of the occlusal surfaces of carries free teeth
What causes cavities
Bacteria and sugar
Sealant material that contains filler particles is called what
Filled resin
What does light cured mean
A material that is set by a curing light
Process of setting a dental sealant is called what
The ability of a dental sealant to adhere to the tooth’s structure is called what
A sealant that does not contain filler partials is called what
Unfilled resins
*During endodontic treatment the cancels are irrigated with _____ or ______
Sodium hypochlorite ; hydrogen peroxide
*After irrigation ,root cancels are filled with what
Paper points
*Removal of the corneal portion of the pulp is called what
*To strengthen the retention of a crown on a endodontically treated tooth,______ may be placed
A post with a core buildup
*A _______ is the sugerical removal of the apex portion of the tooth
*To place medication with the cancels ,______ are used in slow-speed hand piece
Lentulo spirals
*During the obturation appointment for root canels,the clean,prepared canels are filled
with what
Gutta percha
*Pupal irritation can occurs through microbial,mechanical and ______ irritation
*Damage from pupal tissue come from all of the following except?
B-tooth decay
C-irrational from dental materials
*An endodontic test consisting of dentist tapping gently on the crown to determine the presence of inflammation or infection is what
*All but one of the following are used as intracanal medicaments.witch one is the exception?
A-phenol C-iodine
B- formocresol D- glutataldehyde
D- glutataldehyde
*Placement of a sedative filling to encourage reparative Dentin during endodontic treatment is know as what
Reversible pulpitis
*A serious bacterial infection that can become life threatening is what
*To accomplish a good seal in the gutta Percha during the obturation appointment, the dental assistant will take a radiograph to ensure that the master gutta Percha point reaches within _____ of the apex
Less the 1 mm
*The endodontic spreader is used to what
Condense root canal filling materials against the canal walls
*A retrograde filling is placed where
At the root apex
*Necrotic pulp \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A-is non- vital pulp B- is pulp and has been deprived of blood & nerve supply C- is pulp that is infected & dead D- is all of above
D- all of above
*The dental dam is utilized during endodontic treatment to ensure ?
A- small endo instruments are prevented from going down pt. throat
B-debris is kept from entering the oral cavity
C- prevention of contamination of Silvia to canal
D-all of above
D- all of above
*Root canal reamers are used to _____ after broaches have been used
Enlarge the pulp canal