mod 3 factors ch 6 influencing health Flashcards
Healthy People 2020 classifies the determinants of health into five categories:
policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior, and biology and genetics.
biological determinants of health
body and genetic determinants are physiological factors that are inherent in individuals and sometimes can’t be change.
age: youngest and oldest at greater risk
body structure: height, weight, BMI, waist-to-hip, bone density
body function:
body function continued
- biochemical function- enzymes, neurotransmitters
- BP
- movement and balance - ROM
- nutritional status
- respiratory function
- sensory function- 5 senses
- strength and robustness- body strength
- fitness
sex determinant
gender does have some effect on the susceptibility for some diseases
genetic determinant
genetics- study of functions and effects single gene passed and occurrence pathological conditions inherited and manifested overtime
3 types
- single-gene, chromosomal disorders, multifactoral disorders
- single-gene disorders - 6 basic patterns (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, x-linked dominant, x-linked recessive, y-linked inheritance, and maternal inheritance
examples- cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia A, familial hypercholesterolemia, huntington disease
chromosomal disorders
excess or lack of genes contained in whole chromosome or segments
examples: down syndrome, klinefelter syndrome, turner syndrome
multifactorial disorders
interactions several genes and environment
cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke
genetic vulnerability
risk for disease expression based on genotype - involuntarily passed from biological parents to offspring
genetic susceptibility
genetic predisposition, may not be born w/disease but may be high risk for acquisition
studies changes organisms cause by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of genetic code.
environment may play significant role
Which term refers to the risk for disease expression passed on involuntarily from biologic parents to offspring?
genetic vulnerability
Which patient factors are considered biologic determinants of health?
age, bone density, respiratory function
Which condition is an example of a chromosomal disorder?
down syndrome
Which population has the greatest risk for opportunistic infections?
older adults
Which statement is true regarding biologic and genetic determinants of health?
Some can be altered or modified.
Biologic and genetic determinants that relate to body structure or body functioning are adaptable.
social environments
conceptual aspects (e.g., culture norms, traditions, attitudes, socioeconomic status, social support, and education levels) that can shape interactions between people.
- lack resources meet daily needs
- social norms and attitudes (racism)
- exposure crime
- exposure mass media
- socioeconomic conditions
- cultural sensitivity
- quality education
- transportations
- public safety
physical environments
concrete aspects (e.g., neighborhoods, buildings, ecosystems) that an individual can feel, see, and hear.
- nat environment
- built environment
- noise hazards
- place of residence
- crowded conditions
- physical hazards (toxic)
- physical barriers
- aesthetic elements
5 key social determinants of health
- economic stability
- education
- social and community context
- health and health care
- neighborhood and built environment
economic stability
leading health indicator
- poverty
- employment
- food security
- housing stability
higher education- longer life expectancy, improved QoL, health-promotion bx
lower education- poor health, increased stress, low confidence
social and community context
communities as whole and each individual
social cohesion- individuals protected against risks and work twd better future
civic participation- creates healthier community
discrimination- exclusion or diff tx based on personal char.., creates health disparities
incarceration- threatens phys and mental health.. stigma creates health disparity
health and health care
access to health care
access to primary care
health literacy
access to health care
Affects: Physical, social, and mental health statuses
Illness, disease, and disability prevention
Quality of life
Preventable death
Life expectancy
lack availability
high cost
lack insurance
access to primary care
have hcp associated with:
-greater trust in HCP
-better comms btw pt and hcp
increase likelihood pt receive better care
health literacy
the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and the health care delivery system to make appropriate health decisions
2 core principles:
- all people have right to health info to make informed decision
- health be delivery in way easily understand and improve health, longevity, and QoL
Which areas are key social determinants of health as outlined in Healthy People 2020?
- health and health care
- social and community context
- neighborhood and built environment
Which topic is a key issue in economic stability as a social determinant of health?
food security
What statement describes a benefit of having a primary health care provider as a regular source of care?
The likelihood of receiving appropriate care is increased.
Which topics are key issues in social and community context as a social determinant of health?
- discrimination
- civic participation
- incarceration rates
Which factors negatively affect neighborhoods and built environments?
- radon exposure
- food deserts
- crowded conditions
Which factor would be classified as a genetic or biologic determinant of health?
risk breast cancer
A nurse is working with a nonprofit organization to improve understanding of the etiology of congenital defects. This is an example of which category of health determinants?
biology and genetics
Match each genetics term with the appropriate example or definition.
Cystic fibrosis ---Single-gene disorder Epigenetics ---Study of gene modification Coronary heart disease ---Multifactorial Turner syndrome ----Chromosomal
Which factor is a key issue for a social determinant of health that increases a patient’s health risk?
Match the key issue to its social determinant of health.
Education ---Language and literacy Economic stability ---Food security Health and health care ---Access to primary care Neighborhood and built environment ---Access to healthy foods