Mod 3 Antiparkinsonian Drugs Flashcards
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
Chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder Affects dopamine-producing neurons in the brain Slide 2 Caused by an imbalance of two neurotransmitters dopamine acetylcholine (Ach)
Parkinson’s Disease (cont’d)
Signs and symptoms occur when about 80%
of the dopamine stored in the substantia nigra
of the basal ganglia is depleted
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Signs and symptoms can be partially
controlled as long as there are functioning
nerve terminals that can take up dopamine
Parkinson’s Disease (cont’d)
Signs and symptoms include: akinesia bradykinesia Slide 6 rigidity tremor postural A progressive condition Rapid swings in response to levodopa occur (“on off phenomenon”) Slide 8 ( on-phenomenon ) PD worsens when too little dopamine is present Dyskinesia occurs when too much is present
Difficulty in performing voluntary movements
Two common types of dyskinesias
h i l di i l t
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chorea: irregular, spasmodic, involuntary
movements of the limbs or facial muscles
dystonia: abnormal muscle tone leading to
impaired or abnormal movements
Levodopa Therapy
Levodopa is a precursor of dopamine Blood-brain barrier does not allow Slide 10 exogenously supplied dopamine to enter, but does allow levodopa
Levodopa Therapy (cont’d)
Levodopa is taken up by the dopaminergic
terminal, converted into dopamine, then
released as needed
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As a result, neurotransmitter imbalance is
controlled in patients with early PD who still
have functioning nerve terminals
As PD progresses, it becomes more difficult
to control it with levodopa
Ultimately, levodopa no longer controls the
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PD, and patient is seriously debilitated
This generally occurs between 5 and
10 years after the start of levodopa therapy
Drug Therapy for PD
Aimed at increasing levels of dopamine as
long as there are functioning nerve terminals
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Antagonize or block the effects of Ach
Slow the progression of the disease
Indirect-acting dopamine-receptor agonists
MAO-B inhibitors: selegiline, rasagiline
COMT i hibi l
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inhibitors: entacapone, tolcapone
Presynaptic dopamine release enhancer:
Drug Therapy for PD (cont’d)
Anticholinergic drugs benztropine, trihexyphenidyl Antihistamines diphenhydramine Slide 15 Nondopamine-receptor agonists Ergot: bromocriptine Nonergot: pramipexole, ropinirole, apomorphine Dopamine replacement drugs carbidopa, carbidopa-levodopa
Selective MAOI Therapy: Selegiline
MAO breaks down catecholamines in the
CNS, primarily in the brain
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Selegiline is a selective MAOB inhibitor
Causes an increase in levels of dopaminergic
stimulation in the CNS
Selective MAOI Therapy: Selegiline
Selegiline is a newer, potent, irreversible
MAOI that selectively inhibits MAOB
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Does not elicit the “cheese effect” of the
nonselective MAOIs used to treat depression
(if 10 mg or less is used)
Used in combination with levodopa or
U d dj t h ti t’
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Used as an adjunct when a patient’s
response to levodopa is fluctuating
Allows the dose of levodopa to be decreased
Delays development of unresponsiveness to
levodopa therapy
Selective MAOI Therapy: Selegiline
Improves functional ability
Decreases severity of signs/symptoms
Only 50% to 60% of patients show a positive
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response to therapy
Prophylactic selegiline may delay the
development of serious debilitating PD for
9 to 18 years
Rasagiline approved in 2008 with similar action
to selegiline
Adverse effects usually mild
Nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, abdominal
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pain, insomnia, confusion, dry mouth
Doses higher than 10 mg/day may cause more
severe adverse effects, such as hypertensive
Presynaptic Dopamine Release
Amantadine (Symmetrel)
Causes release of dopamine from storage sites at
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the end of nerve cells that are still intact
Blocks reuptake of dopamine into the nerve
endings, allowing more to accumulate both
centrally and peripherally
Does not stimulate dopamine receptors directly
Amantadine (Symmetrel)
Used early in the course of the disease
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Usually effective for only 6 to 12 months
Also used as an antiviral for influenza virus
COMT Inhibitors
Indirect-acting Tolcapone (Tasmar) and entacapone (Comtan) Slide 23 Inhibit COMT, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of levodopa, the dopamine precursor Prolong the duration of action of levodopa; reduce wearing off phenomenon Tolcapone (Tasmar) Has caused severe liver failure Slide 24 Requires monitoring of liver enzymes Not used unless other drugs do not work
Direct-Acting Dopamine Receptor
Nondopamine dopamine receptor agonists Ergot derivatives (bromocriptine and pergolide) Nonergot drugs (pramipexole ropinirole Slide 25 pramipexole, ropinirole, apomorphine) Dopamine replacement drugs Levodopa, carbidopa, carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet) Nondopamine dopamine receptor agonists Ropinirole (Requip) • Newer, nonergot Slide 26 • Used for PD and restless leg syndrome Apomorphine (Apokyn) • Newer, nonergot dopamine agonist • Subcutaneous injection
Direct-Acting Dopamine Receptor
Agonists (cont’d)
Direct-acting Bromocriptine (Parlodel) Di tl ti l t d i t Slide 27 Directly stimulate dopamine receptors Activate dopamine receptors and stimulate production of more dopamine Pergolide (Permax) is another direct-acting drug