Mod 2.2 Understanding energy systems and energy balance Flashcards
To resynthesize ATP the body uses which 3 energy systems?
1) PCr
2) AnS
3) AeS
1) Phosphocreatine system (PCr)
2) Anaerobic system
3) Aerobic system
PCr lasts for roughly how long?
Less than 10 seconds
Is the PCr system aerobic or anaerobic?
Anaerobic process (no O2)
Basic formula of the PCr system
ADP (adenosine diphosphate) + CP (creatine phosphate) < —– > ATP + Creatine
What’s another term for the anaerobic system?
Anaerobic glycolysis
Primary fuel source of the AnS ?
CHO - Carbs
The AnS provides energy for prolonged high intensity exercise between what times frames?
10s - 3 mins
What are some by-products of the AnS?
Lactate and increase of hydrogen ions = + acidity
Primary fuel sources of the AeS?
CHO and Fat (pro can be used too)
The Aes provides energy for low to moderate activities, what is the timeframe?
Almost unlimited!
What are some by-products of the Aes?
Carbon dioxide and water
What is the name of the cycle used in the aerobic system?
Krebs cycle
How many ATP do each of the following create?
Lactic acid =
Aerobic =
ATP-CP = 1
Lactic acid = 2
Aerobic = 38
What is another name for the AnS ?
Lactic acid system
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed only modified in form
Is energy balance a static or dynamic process?
Dynamic - it’s always happening
The following make up what rough percent of TDEE?
BMR = 70% NEAT = 15% TEF = 10% EEE = 5%
What are some example population groups where BMR would be outside the norm/what would be expected?
Those with: