Mod 2 Human Growth/Development/Death Flashcards
A sense of being able to handle problems independently
Loss of hope
The maturation toward adulthood, usually characterized by physical changes and increased ability and functionality
Developmental task
An activity that must be mastered during a stage of development
Physical changes that can be measured and that occur in an orderly manner
A feeling of being less adequate than somebody else
Neonatal period
The first 28 days of a newborns life
Physcosocial health
Well being in the social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of ones life
An involuntary moment in response to stimuli
Self actulization
Realizing one full potential
Trajectory or patterns of decline
Direction or path of progression, equates to patterns of decline
If the hca were to put a finger in the palm of a newborns hand, which reflex would be observed?
grasping reflex
the first stage of physcosocial development is what?
Trust vs mistrust
the preschool growth and development stage occurs at which age?
3-6 years of age
what is the term that refers to the beginning of mensuration?