mocks + in class exam :) Flashcards
parable of sheep and goat - 5 steps
- when I was hungry you gave me food
- when I was thirsty you gave me drink
- when I was naked you clothed me
- when I was a stranger you invited me in
- when I was sick/in prison you came to me
what does the p of s+g represent in christianity?
god divided them into sheets on the left and goats on the right, left is heaven and right Is hell. it shows that people will get into heaven when they help people.
what Christian charities are there? -3
- Christian aid
- Salvation Army
what do Salvation Army do? - 9 things + 1 example
support people in need; homeless, rehab, uk homelessness. the Cardiff bus project. life houses, shelters, soup kitchens, supporting prisoners and families, help the with learning difficulties.
what does christian aid do?
1.7 million people reached by humanitarianism projects , 12k volunteers, global movement of people, churches, local organisation
what is a quote from bible for giving to charity?
” if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does god’s love abide in him?”
what is sexism?
discriminating against someone because of their gender
what is discrimination?
treating people a less than others because of their ethnicity/ gender/race/sexuality/age.
what is equality?
being equal or having the same rights as someone, opportunities and freedom as everyone else.
what is ageism?
prejudice against someone on the grounds of their age
christianity’s views on wealth - 2 quotes?
book of Matthew; “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Timothy; “the love of money is a root of all evil. some people eager fir money, have wandered from the faith pierced themselves with many griefs.”
what are the two muslim charities are there?
- Islamic Aid
2. Muslim Aid
what do muslim aid do? - 6 things
Uk based, all religions welcome, 35,000 meals to single households, homeless, poverty stricken people.
types of expoltation? - 8 ways
- forced criminality
- organ havesting
- drug trade
- sexual exploitation
- domestic services
- forced marriages
- labour exploitation
- child soldiers
expensive interest on loans - C + M views
Not forbidden in C, but is immoral. M; no interest on Islamic savings or current accounts, or charged on Islamic mortgages.
charity - for, 5 ways?
- change’s peoples lives
- lack of money from government
- new ideas for care and treatment
- helps others
- makes society more caring
against charity - 5 ways?
- money goes else where
- false claims, misspending
- dependant on charity
- charity’s make problems hard to see
- in a welfare state no need for charity
a quote from Bible, Matthew 5;42 about borrowing money?
“turn away from those who borrow”
quote about racism- Qur’an
” a white has no superiority over black, nor a black over a white.”
quote about racism - bible
“the lord sees not as a man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the lord looks on the heat.”