Mock Exam- Part 1 Flashcards
What is the CR angle for the AP Oblique Projection- Judet Method?
0 Degrees
Where is the CR entrance point for the AP Internal Oblique Projection- Judet Method?
2 inches Inferior to the ASIS
What projections best demonstrates the coronoid process of the ulna?
AP Oblique Elbow, Medial Rotation
Which ribs are false ribs?
What forms the Anterior 1/5 of the acetabulum?
What position best demonstrates the splenic flexure FREE of superimposition?
How many ribs SHOULD be visible above the diaphragm on a PA Chest?
10 (not 9)
Waters method (sinuses), the OML is placed at what angle to the IR?
37 degrees
Where does the CR enter for an AP Axial projection of the zygomatic arches?
1 inch above the Nasion
What position should be used to visualize the kidneys to demonstrate nephroptosis?
Erect Abdomen
What is another name for the 2nd cervical vertebra?
Which IVs and pedicles are demonstrated on an AP axial oblique projection of the C-Spine?
Farthest Side from the IR
The frontal bone articulates with which of the following?
Right and Left Parietals
Right and Left Partetals
Where does the CR enter for an AP Pelvis?
2 inches above pubis symphysis
Which of the following is NOT to be performed on a trauma patient?
Danelius- Miller
Clements-Nakayama Method
Modified Cleaves Method
Modified Cleaves
The zygapophyseal joints are shown on what position for the C-Spine?
Lateral Position
What is perpendicular for the AP open mouth projection of the odontoid?
Tip of the mastoid and the upper incisors
The left IV of the C-spine are demonstrated on what projections?
AP Oblique Projection- RPO Position
PA Oblique Projection- LAO Position
How much rotation is needed for an AP oblique projection (RPO and LAO) of the C-Spine for visualization of the IV?
45 Degrees
Where is the CR directed for an AP lumbosacral spine?
Perpendicular to the level of the iliac crests
An AP oblique projection of the lumbar spine demonstrates the zygapophyseal joints. Where are they located in relation to the IR?
The Zygapophyseal joints Closest to the IR
What elbow projection demonstrates the coronoid process in profile?
Medial Oblique
What does the Stecher Method demonstrate?
Navicular (Scaphoid)
What does the lateral projection of the elbow demonstrate?
Olecranon Process
The AP projection of the humerus demonstrates?
Greater Tubercle
What fat pads are visible on the negative lateral elbow study?
Anterior and Posterior Fat Pads
Where are the petrous ridges projected for the parietoacanthial projection (Waters Method of the Sinuses?
Below the floor of the Maxillary Sinuses
What positioning line is perpendicular to the IR for the PA Axial projection of the Sinuses (Caldwell Method)?
**Check this- is Caldwell AP?*
Glabellomeatal Line
What is the CR angulation for the axiolateral projection Coyle Method for the elbow?
45 Degrees
Which of the following lie within the abdominal cavity?
The CR for the left lateral decubitus position of the abdomen should be?
2 inches above the iliac crests
The shoulder girdle consists of which bones?
Clavicle and Scapula
Where does the CR enter for the AP projection of the shoulder?
1 inch inferior to the coracoid process
What positions demonstrate the sternum projected through the heart shadow?
PA Oblique, and RAO
The right side ribs are elongated on what positions?
AP Oblique RPO
PA Oblique LAO
What positions best demonstrate Osgood-Schlatter disease?
Ap and Lateral Knee Projections
Where is the esophagus in relation to the trachea?
What is the sail sign that is visible on an infant chest radiograph?
The Thymus
Where is the top of the IR positioned for a PA Chest radiograph?
1 1/2 to 2 inches above the Shoulders
To demonstrate fluid in the pleural cavity, the patient must be placed so that the _________________ is down.
Affected side if down