Mock Exam 1 Flashcards


You should know the definition of Theft as it is one of the first offences taught. It is split into 6 distinct sections.

What does section 5 of the Theft Act 1968 relate to?


Belonging to Another.

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DC JONES is in plain clothes, he stops a car on the high street as he suspects that the occupant MARTIN may be a terrorist. He searches MARTIN and the car but finds nothing. The car has a roof box. He searches the roof box and finds concerning paperwork that seems to be instructions as to how to build a nail bomb. DC JONES then looks in the boot and finds fertiliser, nails and ignition wire.

Considering the search of a person and vehicle under The Terrorism Act 2000, s43 which of the following statements is correct?


DC JONES has acted correctly and can search MARTIN, the vehicle and anything in or on it.

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PATRICK runs the pub THE BLIND BEGGAR and has been running a scam where he has his electricity wired into the laundrette next door. Unknown to Patrick, the laundrette has new owners and they disconnect the wires connecting the laundrette to the pub. Furious PATRICK storms round there with a meat cleaver and holds it above the new owners head, he tells him if he does not reconnect the electricity, he will cut his head off. The new owner immediately reconnects the electricity allowing PATRICK and the pub to have it for free.

What offence has Patrick committed?


PATRICK has committed another offence (not listed)

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SPENCER is a carer for a wealthy elderly man. Although he doesn’t have access to his accounts he does know where he keeps a large amount of cash. On Grand National day, SPENCER gets a hot tip and as such takes £2000 and places it on the horse. The horse wins and as such SPENCER collects over £30000. He immediately returns the £2000 to the elderly man, who is none the wiser and then pays a further £2000 to take him on a cruise as a thank you.

Considering the offence Fraud by Abuse of Position, does he commit an offence?


SPENCER has committed fraud by abuse of position regardless of the outcome.

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CHRISTINE works for a local charity. MICHAEL approaches her and says that he is aware that she had an affair with PERCY a year ago. MICHAEL only heard this as a rumour and does not know if it is true. CHRISTINE bursts into tears and says that she deeply regrets it and please don’t tell her husband. MICHAEL says he won’t tell her husband but only if she has sex with him. CHRISTINE doesn’t want to but accepts and meets MICHAEL at a hotel that night. The following morning MICHAEL tells CHRISTINE that the debt is paid and he will stay silent.

At what point does MICHAEL commit the offence of blackmail?


MICHAEL does not commit the offence of blackmail.

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TONY, who is 14 years old has a pet scorpion. He is aware that his sister SUSAN has a best friend JUDITH. JUDITH is frightened of the scorpion and won’t go anywhere near the room. SUSAN and JUDITH have a fall out over a doll. JUDITH owns the doll but said that SUSAN could borrow it for the weekend. JUDITH now wants the doll back but SUSAN wants to keep it for a few more days. SUSAN has told JUDITH this but she has said ‘no’ and wants to pick it up. TONY places his scorpion on the doll, JUDITH comes in to pick it up, sees the scorpion and runs out crying. SUSAN grabs the doll, aware now she can keep it for a few more days.

Considering the offence of Blackmail, which of the following statements is correct?


Blackmail has been committed in these circumstances as an unwarranted demand has been made that has led to a gain (possession of the doll).

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PADDY has been arrested for robbery and is refusing to come out of his cell for interview.

What should be done?


PADDY can be interviewed in his cell, with authorisation of the custody sergeant. It should be recorded using portable recording equipment but if none is available then it can be recorded in writing.

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GEMMA commits a shoplifting and steals four bottles of wine that were set aside as prizes for a children’s raffle. She returns the next day to the surprise of the shopkeeper and says to him “I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T REALISE THEY WERE FOR THE CHILDREN’S RAFFLE, I SOLD THEM TO PAY FOR DRUGS’. The shopkeeper calls the police and the first officer to arrive is a PCSO. GEMMA repeats the above to them, a few minutes later PC CLIVE arrives and again GEMMA makes the same statement.

At what point is the above classified as a ‘Significant Statement’?


When GEMMA first says it to the PCSO.

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KATE is 6 years old and lives with her mother. Her biological father is GARY, who walked out on them when KATE was born. GARY wants back into KATE’s life but the mother will not allow it. GARY picks KATE up from school and explains that he is her father and he wants to get to know her. They first fly to Scotland, then Wales, then Northern Ireland and then to Southern Ireland over a week period. The mother has not given any consent and reports the matter to Police.

Considering the offence of Child Abduction (S1)


GARY commits the offence when he takes KATE to Southern Ireland

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There are a number of child sex offences where the offender must be at least 18 years old.

Which of the following offences can the offender be younger than 18 years old?


Arranging or Facilitating Child Sex Offences (Section 14).

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PAULO was sentenced to three years custodial sentence for the offence of robbery but only served two years.

Considering Possession of Firearms by Convicted Persons, how long is PAULO prohibited from possessing a firearm?


5 Years.

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MARY turns up to the front counter of the police station in tears. She states that she has been receiving silent phone-calls for the last two nights. She strongly suspects a colleague at her work called HENRY who is seemingly obsessed with her. She shows a diary that shows that 14 silent calls were made on the first night and 5 on the second night.

Considering the offence of Assault, would these circumstances constitute an assault?


R v IRELAND showed that silent phone-calls can be assault, no minimum number or length of time agreed as this would be subjective to each case. In these circumstances the calls would constitute assault.

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ARTHUR is an inventor. He has a huge fallout with his landlord IFFY and decides to get revenge and kill him. He sets up an elaborate system in his workshop whereby when IFFY comes through the door it will set a ball rolling which will set off a number of devices which will eventually lead to a bucket of acid falling on IFFY. The issue is, firstly by the time the ball starts moving it would take a minimum of three minutes to activate the bucket of acid. Secondly, Arthur has made a significant number of structural mistakes meaning that the ball would never activate the bucket of acid. Nevertheless IFFY walks through the door, triggering the booby trap, waits 30 seconds and walks out. The bucket never falls.

Considering the offence of Attempted Murder, which of the following statements is correct?


ARTHUR has committed attempted murder as he had the intention to kill IFFY.

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SUSAN is the leader of a female biker gang. They come across FRANK who owes them money for drugs. SUSAN, not wanting to lose face with her gang decides to make an example of FRANK. She gets two of the women to hold him down and pull down his trousers. FRANK is screaming No, but SUSAN is not listening. She attaches a wooden truncheon to the front of her belt and walks around to the front of FRANK, she forces the truncheon into his mouth several times. He pleads with her to stop but instead walks round behind him and forces the truncheon into his anus. She withdraws and they leave.

At what point does SUSAN commit the offence of rape?


The offence of rape is not committed.

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HEIDI and TIM are husband and wife. They have a huge row over finances and on the way to pick up their son from school, HEIDI stops at the shop to buy some cigarettes. TIM is about to get out of the car also when she presses the lock button on the keyfob and locks TIM in. Owing to the fact child locks are on and managed externally, he is locked in the car whilst HEIDI goes to the shops. HEIDI returns 5 minutes later and unlocks the car, smiles at TIM and drives off.

The offence of false imprisonment is made out at what point?


The offence of false imprisonment is made out the moment HEIDI locks the car doors preventing TIM from leaving.

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Harry is 14 years old and has been arrested for stealing a bicycle from school. Code C 1.7 of PACE states that in the case of a juvenile the appropriate adult can be one of the following, with one exception.

Who should not be an appropriate adult?


Harry’s mother who works as a property officer in the force he has been arrested.

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A new potential CHIS (adult) is identified on Monday 1st June. Paperwork is completed and submitted to the Superintendent on Wednesday 3rd June. The Superintendent authorises the CHIS on Thursday 4th June and the CHIS is informed on Friday 5th June.

The authorisation lasts for 12 months but from what date does this begin?


Thursday 4th June

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JUDITH is in labour, she has just given birth, although her baby is still attached by the umbilical cord. Suddenly her estranged husband bursts into the maternity ward and throws a brick at JUDITH. It misses her but strikes the newborn baby. The newborn baby survives for a few hours but sadly dies from the injuries.

Considering the phrase ‘another human being’, at what point is the baby considered separated from the mother?


Once the baby has been completely expelled from the womb however the umbilical cord could can still be attached.

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DC HARRIS is interviewing Ted for the offence of GBH and MR TARKIN is his solicitor. Ted is answering questions when DC HARRIS asks the question ‘SO TED, YOU DIDN’T LIKE THE VICTIM’. MR TARKIN speaks up and tells TED not to answer that question. DC HARRIS thinks this is unacceptable and stops the interview to seek advice as to MR TARKINS conduct.

What can be said about in relation to the solicitor’s behaviour?


DC HARRIS should find a Superintendent (if readily available) and if not, an officer not lower than the rank of Inspector. He should however be told that MR TARKIN simply telling his client not to reply to a specific question does not qualify as ‘unacceptable behaviour’.

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You overhear an argument between two colleagues as to what constitutes an assault and what does not. PC JEFFERS states that the shaking of a fist and pulling of a finger across a throat can constitute assault. PC SINGH disagrees and says that he is wrong. They come to you for advice.

What do you tell them?


PC JEFFERS is right that gestures can constitute assault and the two examples he uses have been recognised as sufficient to represent an assault

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ROB is down the pub with TREVOR when JIM walks in. JIM states that ROB owes him ten pounds that he lent him two weeks ago. ROB was drunk when he borrowed the money and has no recollection of ever receiving it. JIM is correct though and did lend ROB the money to buy cigarettes. ROB tells JIM to ‘piss off’ and goes back to his pint. JIM goes outside and gets a baseball bat, he waits for ROB and TREVOR to leave the pub and approaches them in an alley. He raises the bat and tells ROB to pay him the money, ROB gets out a five pound note and gives it to JIM, he tells JIM that is all he has left. JIM turns to TREVOR and says ‘Well he can owe you a fiver then?’, fearful of being struck TREVOR gives JIM a five pound note and he walks off.

Considering the offence of Robbery, which of the following statements is correct?


JIM has committed a Robbery on TREVOR but not ROB.

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ETHAN travels to Pakistan for work. Whilst going out for a meal he overhears three men speaking about a planned terrorist attack in London the following year. He listens to them and gets a date, location and the name of one of the attackers. He is understandably concerned and believes what he has heard and intends to tell the police on his return to London. On the plane home he changes his mind and doesn’t inform the authorities.

Considering the offence of Information about Acts of Terrorism (Terrorism Act 2000. S.38b) which of the following statements is incorrect?


ETHAN needs suspect what he has heard was true and his disclosure of this information could prevent an act of terrorism.

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STEVEN has in his possession three cloned credit cards. He has them in the house and uses them to fraudulently purchase items from a ‘sales TV channel’. He buys a variety of items including jewellery and electrical items.

Considering the offence of Possession or Control of Articles for use in Fraud, which of the following is correct?


STEVEN does not commit the offence as he has already used the credit cards

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Section 30 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires that a person who has been arrested must be taken to a police station as soon as practicable after arrest, unless the arrested person is being released prior to arrival. However, prisoners detained for over a certain amount of time must go to a designated police station which is essentially one with facilities to accommodate arrested persons for a sufficient amount of time.

Prisoners who will or are likely to be detained for a period of more than X hours must go to a designated police station.


Prisoners who will or are likely to be detained for a period of more than 6 hours must go to a designated police station.

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JULIAN is of African descent and was born in Nigeria, he now lives in London. He gets very drunk in a pub and starts abusing people around him. He points to GARY at the bar and says ‘You’re a dirty Jew’, GARY is actually a Catholic. JULIAN points to the manager ERTHA who is also Nigerian and calls her a ‘Nigerian whore’ and then finally walks up to KEITH (who is Scottish) and says “You are a stinking Jock”.

In which of the above circumstances has JULIAN demonstrated racial or religious hostility?


JULIAN has demonstrated racial and religious hostility to GARY, ERTHA and KEITH

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OSCAR and his wife JENNY are paedophile hunters. They make friends with GARY who they have been informed is involved in child prostitution. They ask GARY if he can get them a 14 year old girl to have sex with. GARY initially says ‘no’ but after a few drinks says that he himself can’t get a girl but he has a friend CARLOS who can make the arrangement, the only issue being that the girls are in Panama. He gives OSCAR and JENNY the e-mail address for CARLOS and tell them to say that they are interested in ‘buying candyfloss’, this he says is code for what they want.

Considering the offence of Arranging or Facilitating Commission of a Child Sex Offence (Section 14) has an offence been committed?


GARY has committed the offence as soon as he gives OSCAR and JENNY the e-mail address of CARLOS.

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MARSHA is doing some Christmas Shopping. TOBY stands behind her pretending to browse but reaches her hand out and grabs the end of her cashmere scarf that is hanging down. He likes the feel and rubbing it makes him aroused. MARSHA doesn’t notice. TOBY then starts gently rubbing her buttocks through her jeans, MARSHA turns around shocked and asks what he is doing. At this point TOBY grabs both her breasts through her jacket and says “shall we make love?”

Considering the offence of sexual touching, at what point is the offence first made out?


When TOBY feels the cashmere scarf.

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MR B is a preacher who has a large following. He asks several women to stay after to speak to them privately. MR B tells them that the supreme-being has spoken to him and has instructed the women have sex with him. Only by doing this will they achieve spiritual enlightenment. MR B knows this a lie as he wishes to have sex with the women, the women however believe that MR B is truly a messenger from God. They all have sex with him over consecutive nights.

Considering the element of ‘consent’ within the offence of rape, has it been committed?


MR B has obtained consent through fraud and as such when he has sex with them he is committing rape.

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ANNA is on a first date with BEN. They are getting on well and drinking in The Harp Pub. ANNA has absolutely no intention of having sexual intercourse with BEN. BEN however thinks that if ANNA gets drunk then it is likely to happen. He suggests to ANNA that they do Tequila shots, which she agrees to and with every drink he buys a shot that they down. BEN can handle his alcohol well and it does not affect him as much. Soon they are both drunk and ANNA agrees to have sexual intercourse with BEN, which they do back at his flat.

Considering the offence of Administering a Substance with Intent (Section 61) has Ben committed an offence?


BEN has not committed the offence as ANNA is consenting to drinking alcohol however she does not know his intentions.

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HANNAH works as a cleaner at the local hospital. She’s sees MIA, a girl she used to know from school come in. MIA is heavily pregnant. MIA used to bully HANNAH at school and as such HANNAH has always harboured a grudge against her. HANNAH is working her night shift when she sees the desk computer is left free. HANNAH finds MIA’s details and sends her an e-mail stating that she they have found a problem with her baby and she needs to come in urgently. MIA’s husband sees this message and they come straight to the hospital for checks. In fact there is an issue with the baby that had been un-diagnosed.

Considering the offence of Malicious Communications, which of the following statements is correct?


HANNAH has committed the offence as her intention was to cause distress and anxiety to MIA.

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IONA is 16 years old. Her neighbour BILLY (he is 18) takes IONA (with her consent) to Iceland for a weekend. Her parents did not know he was taking her and would never had allowed it. They contact the Police to report it.

Considering the offence of Child Abduction (S1) which of the following is correct?

BILLY has committed the offence as soon he takes IONA out of the UK for over 24 hours.

BILLY has not committed the offence in these circumstances.

BILLY has committed the offence in these circumstances.

BILLY has not committed the offence but only because he is under 20.


BILLY has not committed the offence in these circumstances.


DOREEN is a lollipop lady who has worked outside the school for fifteen years. SPENCER approaches DOREEN and places a knife in her back pressing it into her spine. At that time MR COLLINS the bank manager is crossing the road. SPENCER says “OI, COLLINS GIVE ME YOUR ROLEX WATCH OR DOREEN HERE GETS A KNIFE IN HER BACK”. MR COLLINS concerned that DOREEN will be stabbed, takes off his Rolex watch and gives it to SPENCER, who makes good his escape.

Considering the offence of Robbery, has one taken place?


Robbery has not taken place as the threat of violence needs to be directed towards the victim, in this case MR COLLINS.


MAX is 17 years old and has been arrested, interviewed and charged with a burglary dwelling. Whilst in custody it has become apparent that MAX is suspected of being involved in a large amount of burglaries and as such DS Harris wishes to speak to him further. He is aware of s.128 of the Magistrates Court Act 1980 which allows a magistrates court to remand a person to police custody for the purpose of inquiries into other offences (other than the offence for which they appear before the court)

How long can the magistrate court grant for Max to remain in police custody?


RALPH has been arrested for assault and brought into custody. He is not making it easy and states that he will not allow any officer to take his fingerprints, a photo without his cap or his DNA. You seek advice from the PACE Inspector who states the following four things you can do. Unfortunately the Inspector has not kept up his learning (he should have used Police Revision) and tells you one which is wrong.

Which is it?

You can use reasonable force to remove a baseball cap from a detainee’s head.

You cannot use reasonable force to take a mouth swab.

You can use reasonable force to take the fingerprints.

You can use the custody CCTV image from a camera anywhere in the police station.


You cannot use reasonable force to take a mouth swab.


ELLA has had a falling out with LUCY over a boy. ELLA is at home when her phone rings, the voice at the end of the phone is clearly LUCYS although she does not identify herself. LUCY says ‘ELLA, GET READY, I WILL BE ROUND TO YOURS IN 1 MINUTE AND I AM GOING TO BREAK LEGS AND SMASH YOUR FACE IN’. ELLA drops the phone and runs to the window genuinely scared that LUCY is on her way round. Considering the element to ‘apprehend immediate unlawful violence’ within the definition of assault.

Has assault been committed?


The circumstances would satisfy the ‘immediacy aspect’ as it has been held that ‘within a minute or two’ is reasonable and ELLA running to the window demonstrates she fears immediate violence.


DS Anderson is part of the SMU (SOURCE MANAGEMENT UNIT) you have started to work for him and he wants to test your knowledge in relation to CHIS (Covert Human Intelligence Source). He asks you what authorisation is needed for a Juvenile CHIS and how long that authorisation lasts.

What do you tell DS Anderson?


Only an officer of rank Assistant Chief Constable / Commander can authorise a juvenile to become a CHIS and it can only be authorised for 4 months.


Jacob joins the ‘Stabby Gang’ who’s main activities are extortion and violent robberies. He partakes in a number of robberies involving knives and firearms where victims have been seriously assaulted. Jacob is told that the next robbery they will commit will be the ‘Lady of Lourdes Church’ as they have a good amount of gold. The Church is Jacob’s family church and as such he tells the gang leaders that he won’t be involved. They tell him that if he doesn’t partake that they will consider him an enemy and kill him. Jacob commits violent robbery with the gang and gets caught.

Does he have the defence of Duress?


Jacob cannot use this defence as he knew the gang he joined predominantly used extreme violence and had committed crimes of this nature before


PAUL works for Auckland Estates, an estate agents in Potters Bar. He has been instructed to pay £100 of advertising money when he leaves that evening. Straight after he is going to a business meal with a builder who the company regularly does business with. PAUL believes he should make a good impression and as such along with the advertising money, takes a further £20 out of the kitty to buy a good bottle of wine for the builder. He believes that PETER the owner would consent to this. What PAUL doesn’t know is that PETER wouldn’t consent as although they do business with the builder, he actually hates him.

Considering the offence of the Theft, has PAUL committed theft?


PAUL has not committed theft as he believes that PETER would consent in the circumstances.


SALLY is 15 years old and wants a relationship with STEVE who is 17 years old. STEVE works in the local ice cream parlour. SALLY goes there every day and openly flirts with STEVE. STEVE at first is not interested but when he tells his friends, they encourage him to drive it forward as SALLY will have sex with him. STEVE sends SALLY a text saying he likes her and would she like to go to the cinema. SALLY says yes and the conversation on text gets more sexually explicit. STEVE tells SALLY not to wear underwear when they go to the cinema as he will be having sex with her. They arrange a time and date. Unfortunately SALLY gets grounded by her father and as such does not go to the cinema

Has the offence of meeting a Child following Sexual Grooming taken place?


The offence of meeting a child following sexual grooming has not taken place as STEVE is only 17 years old.


Dougal is walking to the shops when he sees thirty people rioting ahead of him, they are acting extremely volatile and when they see him they start running towards him with bricks and golf clubs. Fearful he is going to be killed he grabs a bike leaning up against a wall and rides like lightening away from the situation.

Does Dougal have a defence to his actions?


Yes, he has defence of circumstances.


FELIX is a former greenkeeper for a prestigious golf club. He has recently been made redundant and is angry with the manager PAUL at the lack of a redundancy cheque. That morning he walks onto the ninth hole with a putter and starts hacking up the green. PAUL comes out and challenges FELIX as to what he is doing. FELIX explains that PAUL ripped him off, PAUL feeling a semblance of guilt pulls out his chequebook and tears one out. FELIX snatches it off him and rips it in half. PAUL gets out a £50 note and FELIX again snatches it and rips it in half.

Has the offence of Criminal Damage been committed?


FELIX commits the offence of criminal damage to the green, the cheque and the £50 note.


MARY lists an Elvis Presley autograph for sale. She states it was signed when Elvis visited Scotland in the 1960s. Although MARY was present during his visit, she never got an autograph and the one she is offering for sale is fake. TIM is extremely rich and likes MARY. He arranges to meet her and buy the autograph for 10k. She tells him it is an original but he doesn’t care, he just wants an excuse to spend time with MARY. In fact TIM knows it is a fake but buys it anyway.

Considering the offence of Fraud by False Representation, has an offence been made out?


The offence is made out the moment the false representation is made.


Steve is aware that his daughter’s boyfriend Jake sexually assaulted her at a party. He is furious and wants to kill Jake. He knows he doesn’t have the confidence to do it whilst sober so drinks a bottle of Jack Daniels Whisky. He waits until he is intoxicated, gets his shotgun, goes to Jake’s house and shoots him dead.

Considering the defence of Voluntary Intoxication, does Steve have a defence?


Steve could not use the defence of voluntary intoxication as intent was formed before the intoxication and that would simply be classified as ‘Dutch Courage’.


STEFAN is a taxi driver, he picks up a Chinese National called XAO who wishes to go to Westminster. The fare comes to £5 and XAO not being comfortable with British currency gives STEFAN his wallet. STEFAN takes out what he believes to be a £5 note but actually takes out two stuck together and returns the wallet to XAO and wishes him a good day. He drives 5 minutes down the road and realises that he has taken too much money from XAO. He turns around and as he returns to Westminster there are thousands of people outside. He quickly scans for XAO but cannot see him and drives off.

Has STEFAN committed theft in these circumstances?


No, as he has not been dishonest at any point.


KEITH is breaking into a house to steal the TV, he has with him a large handled screwdriver which he will use to force entry and if approached by the home owner use it as a weapon. He forces the window with the screwdriver and gets inside. There is no TV in the front room so moves through to the next room where he picks up and ornamental sword which he thinks could be worth money, he places it in his bag. He then hears a sound in the other room and walks through finding the dog, he stabs the dog with the sword killing it and then makes his escape.

At what point does KEITH commit aggravated burglary?


When he first enters the house.


DIESEL is an enforcer for a gang. He has been given the task of breaking TRACY’S legs over a drug debt. He has a variety of weapons in his boot including a shotgun, however, these are for different uses and as such he takes out a metal baseball bat. As he is walking towards TRACY’s workplace, he is arrested by Police.

Has an offence of Having a Firearm with Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence been committed?


DIESEL commits the offence as there does not need to be a connection between the offence to be committed and the firearm.


STAN is arrested for breaking his neighbours PASQAL’s window. He stood in his garden whilst PASQAL was out and threw a brick straight into the window, smashing it. STAN is in interview and says ‘LOOK I DON’T LIKE THE FRENCH AND I DON’T LIKE PASQAL. THAT’S WHY I SMASHED IT’

Has a racially aggravated offence been committed?


STAN has committed racially aggravated criminal damage as he has demonstrated hostility over PASQAL for being French.


DC Smith is having a drink in the local pub after work when he sees what he believes is a drug deal outside, he has seen TYRONE come out of a flat above the bookies. The buyer walks off and DC Smith goes outside and challenges TYRONE. TYRONE tries to run but falls over and packets of white powder fall out. TYRONE keeps his mouth tightly shut. He arrests him for Supply of a Controlled Drug.

Considering DC Smiths powers under Section 32 PACE what can he search?


DC Smith can search TYRONE’s outer coat, jacket and gloves, mouth and the flat he has just come out for items related only to the offence he was arrested for (Supply of Controlled drugs)


Considering Attempts (Section 1 of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981), which of the following can be attempted?


Assist an Offender.

Assist Suicide.

The impossible.


The impossible.


RENEE owns a modern art shop in Mayfair in London. The layout of the shop is a large white room with pictures around the walls. The till area is in the middle and designated by a red circle on the floor on which a desk and till stand. A small sign sits on the desk that states ‘Staff only in the red circle’. TONY enters the store under the pretence of buying a painting, he asks to see a brochure and RENEE heads out to his car. At this time TONY walks into the red circle, opens the till and steals £10 in cash. He then leaves the store before RENEE returns.

Has TONY committed burglary?


TONY has committed burglary as he has entered an area that is clearly distinguished from the rest of the shop and marked as staff only.


MONTY has been arrested for fraud and brought into custody. He has requested a solicitor but after several hours decides he does not need one. He calls the gaoler and asks if the interviewing officer can be informed that he is ready to go.

What does ‘Code C’ say about a detainee changing their mind in relation to having a solicitor?


An officer of the rank of Inspector or above can authorise the interview to ahead.


HENRIQUE is a skilled thief and steals the Orlov Diamond from the Kremlin, Russia. He flies over to England to meet his buyer BLOFELD. BLOFELD asks how HENRIQUE obtained the diamond and HENRIQUE talks him through the heist, explaining in detail how he stole it. They agree on a price of 5 million and HENRIQUE hands over the diamond with instructions to pick up the cash the following day.

Has the offence of Handling Stolen Goods taken place?


Handling stolen goods is made out as soon as the diamond is handed over.


MARY has a fraudulent passport which she keeps in her home. STEFAN comes over and asks MARY if he can use the passport as he wishes to get cable TV fraudulently. MARY agrees and says he can have it next week. MARY has no intention of ever using it herself.

Considering the offence of Possession or Control of Articles for use in Fraud, does MARY commit an offence?


MARY does commit the offence as she is enabling STEFAN to commit the fraud


Tim approaches his friend Steve to fake a robbery where he is the victim and take his Rolex watch. Tim can then sell the Rolex and claim the insurance money. Steve refuses saying it is too risky. Tim then approaches Gary who agrees and Tim pays him £500 to carry out the robbery. Steve then hears about this and tells Tim that he would do it if knew he was getting paid £500. Tim tells Steve he had his chance and to go away as he has Gary now.

Considering Statutory Conspiracy, who commits the offence?


Tim and Gary are guilty, but Steve is not as at first he refused and then was no longer required.


MICHAEL walks into an Estate Agents where KATE is working, they are speaking in the front office where clients are met. He is making conversation about being interested in buying a flat but actually is intending to rape KATE. He has a bag with him that contains condoms, rope and a knife. MICHAEL’S plan is to lure KATE away from the estate agents into his car, subdue her, take her to his own house and rape her. KATE goes into the back private office to get some details and MICHAEL follows her in with the bag. KATE challenges MICHAEL about not being allowed back there and he panics and leaves.

Considering the offence of Trespass with Intent to Commit Sexual Offence (Section 63), has an offence been committed?


This offence is not made out, as MICHAEL does not intend to carry out the relevant offence on the premises.


JILL meets DENZEL in a bar and begins flirting with him. She suggests that they get a taxi to her hotel to get closer acquainted. The taxi pulls up but it is actually driven by JILL’s boyfriend, they move off and JILL produces a flick knife and puts it to the side of DENZEL and tells him that they are going for a little drive. They pull up at a deserted garage where they tie DENZEL to the chair and send a ransom note to his wife.

Considering the offence of kidnapping, when does it begin?


The kidnap offence occurs at the point that DENZEL gets into the car


DENNIS has been arrested for a serious sexual offence. He is a prominent member of the church and is vehemently denying the allegation. He speaks to the custody Sergeant and requests that the CCTV recording system in custody is switched off, owing to the fact that he is concerned that footage could be leaked. He states he will be found innocent and it is his right.

Who can authorise this request from DENNIS?


Any request to have video recording equipment switched off will be refused.


JOHNSON is a scout leader, he catches TIMOTHY smoking cannabis behind the bike shed. He confiscates the joint and places it in a locked drawer. He runs two sessions and then heads home. He settles down and then remembers that the cannabis joint is still in his drawer. He returns to the Scout hut, removes it and flushes it down the toilet.

Does JOHNSON have a defence to Unlawful Possession?


No, JOHNSON does not have a defence at the point he has not destroyed as soon as possible


A student officer approaches you and asks about the use of Directed Surveillance in normal circumstances.

What do you tell him?


It should be authorised by an officer of the rank of Superintendent, it should be given in writing and last for three months.


A person in police custody has a right to have someone informed of their arrest. You can however withhold this right in certain circumstances.

Who authorises a detainee being ‘incommunicado’ and what is the maximum length of time they can be held ‘incommunicado’ for?


Inspector not exceeding 36 hours.


Geoff, a butcher and Keith, a fishmonger have an argument over a parking space. Geoff is furious and knows that Keith is mildly allergic to Kiwi fruit. He heads to the greengrocers and buys a crate of Kiwis which he squeezes the juice out of. He then takes the juice in a glass and throws it in Keith’s face expecting to cause reddening and soreness. In fact, Keith’s airways immediately block and he goes into cardiac arrest. They call an ambulance which arrives quickly and they manage to restart Keith’s heart. On the journey however they collide with another car and the ambulance is written off. They cannot transfer Keith quick enough to another ambulance and he dies.

Considering the chain of causation which of the following is correct?


Geoff would likely be guilty of manslaughter in these circumstances, as he has caused Keith’s death through his actions, the fact he didn’t know that Geoff would act in that way or that the ambulance would crash still do not detract from his initial act.


Mary is taking her sausage dog for a walk in the park when she is grabbed from behind and a chloroform rag placed over her mouth. When she wakes up she is tied up in a basement. A large set man wearing a mask is placing various surgical instruments on a tray next to her. She sees blood stains on the floor and believes he intends to torture and murder her. What the assailant doesn’t know is that Mary works in the circus as an escape artist and quickly gets out of the rope handcuffs. As the masked man is setting up his instruments, she creeps up behind him and cuts his throat with a razor killing him. She then flees the house.

Considering self-defence which of the following is correct?


Article 2 of the Human Rights Act states that force used should be no more than absolutely necessary. Mary has used reasonable force in the circumstances and would have a defence.


TEDDY is standing outside a butchers and goes in to buy some sausages. He notices that the butcher is old and as such decides at that point to steal some items. He places a pack of bacon into his bag, stealing it. TEDDY sees a room out back and a beautiful grandfather clock, interested in such things he walks into the room that is clearly marked ‘STAFF ONLY’ and examines the ornate clock. The butcher comes in and asks what he is doing and he explains he was admiring the clock and apologises for trespassing. The butcher is not offended and tells him about the clock. A customer comes in and the butcher leaves TEDDY in the room. TEDDY picks up some silver spoons and places them in the bag with the bacon. He then walks back into the main shop, wishes the butcher good day and leaves.

At what point does TEDDY commit Burglary 9(1)a?


He does not commit Burglary 9(1)a.


DONOVAN is 18 years old, he drives on a Saturday to the local school. He parks in the car park outside because the school is locked. He parks the car overlooking the empty playground and imagines the children playing. He obtains sexual gratification from this image and as such starts to masturbate. Gaining confidence, he gets out of the car and masturbates next to the school sign.

Considering the offence of Sexual Activity in the Presence of a Child (Section 11), has an offence been committed?


No offence is committed as DONOVAN could not be considered to be in a position where he could be observed by a child.


PC Smith is investigating a robbery, he has made an arrest and enters the address to search for evidence of the crime. He finds a balaclava, a large zombie knife and a mobile phone that he believes were used in the commission of that offence. PC Smith has used his powers lawfully.

Which of the following power has PC Smith used, that would encompass all of the above actions being carried out legally?


Section 18.


RICHARD orders 100 ecstasy tablets from a Colombian Drug Dealer. They arrive in a plain white box and signed for by his wife JENNY. She places the box on the side and forgets about it until the evening. She decides to open the box as she knows RICHARD was ordering a new mobile phone for her and she thinks it is that. She opens it and sees a tub of 100 white tablets, there is no label but she suspects that they are RICHARD’S hayfever tablets. She places them on the side and texts RICHARD that they have arrived.

Who and at what point do they have possession of the ecstasy?


RICHARD has possession as soon as the drugs are delivered, JENNY possesses at the moment she opens the box and sees there are tablets inside


HEADMASTER SNOOTY runs an exclusive private boarding school. It is an all-boys school and during the term time HEADMASTER SNOOTY and his staff are granted loco parentis of the students. This means that they take on all responsibilities and roles that the parents would in their absence. HEADMASTER SNOOTY believes in legal chastisement and that for poor behaviour of students between the age of 8 and 12, they should be spanked. This is not excessive nor painful but a way to demonstrate they have done wrong.

Has an offence been committed?


Corporal punishment is outlawed and spanking of students would be counted as such. Therefore an offence would be committed


PERCY is 80 years old and having a beer in a pub. The pub is empty and only has around fifteen people in it. As he is walking to the toilet he finds a cashmere scarf on the floor. He picks it up and looks around but no one makes themselves known. He honestly believes he won’t be able to track the owner so places it in his bag. He returns to his beer and walks out with the scarf. As he does a man walks in and asks the bartender if a cashmere scarf had been handed in. He says it hasn’t and the man walks out.

Considering the element of theft, has Percy committed an offence?


PERCY has a reasonably held belief that he cannot trace the owner and as such the offence is not made out.


Which of the following would not be considered Statutory Conspiracy?

Helen and Nick are husband and wife, they conspire with Ted (Helen’s brother) to rob the local Post Office.

George (11), Steve (9) and Cameron (12), conspire with each other to steal their friend’s Ralphs bicycle whilst he is at guitar lessons.

Christine and Rebecca conspire to kill their friend Anna’s new boyfriend Karl by seducing and strangling him. Anna however has made Karl up in an effort to make Christine and Rebecca jealous.

John conspires with Alan to rob a jewellery store on Friday night. John however has no intention of robbing the jewellery store and just wants to get Alan on his own so he can kill him


John conspires with Alan to rob a jewellery store on Friday night. John however has no intention of robbing the jewellery store and just wants to get Alan on his own so he can kill him


NEIL approaches TYSON and robs him of his laptop, during the offence TYSON fights back and punches NEIL in the left eye and nose. NEIL still gets away with the laptop and makes good his escape. TYSON gives a description of NEIL including a tattoo on his neck that says ‘ORCA’. NEIL is quickly arrested and when he is brought into custody, you notice he has a black eye, blood on his shirt and the tattoo ‘ORCA’ on his neck.

Considering Special Warnings which of the following can NEIL be special warned for?


NEIL can be special warned in relation to the black eye and the blood on his shirt if the interviewing officer believes it was caused by NEIL’s involvement in the offence.


SIMON sees a patron of a bar (TONY) place his wallet on the side as he pays for some drinks. SIMON, a deft thief walks up to the bar and stealthily takes the wallet from the side. As he is walking out one of the patrons shouts “THAT BLOKE JUST STOLE YOUR WALLET”. TONY makes a dash for the offender and manages to grab him outside, the stolen wallet falls out of the pocket. The offender punches TONY hard to the face and makes good is escape.

Has an offence of robbery been made out?


The offence of robbery is not made out as the assault has occurred after the theft.


Which, if any of the following examples would not constitute intrusive or directed surveillance for the purposes of part II of the 2000 Act?

Officers on routine patrol come across what they believe is a burglary taking place and conceal themselves to observe the suspicious persons.

An officer watching a drug deal take place outside a pub on town CCTV and moving the camera to get a better angle.

Plain clothes patrol targeting offences of pickpockets.

All of the above


All of the above


PC HART is chasing TYRONE after he has committed a shoplifting. They know each other and TYRONE is goading PC HART for getting older and not running as fast. TYRONE whilst running grabs a banana out of his bag and peels it. He throws the skin on the floor and shouts “COME ON TOM” in reference to the cartoon Tom and Jerry. PC HART doesn’t see the banana skin and slips on it, falling over and breaking his collar bone. TYRONE runs back to help PC HART and apologises for what he has done.

Considering Assault, what offence would you look to charge TYRONE with in these circumstances?


Section 18 Wounding.


ALAN has been arrested for a serious offence. It is decided that a hair sample will be taken from him for the purpose of DNA analysis. The OIC comes to you for advice as the detainee has asked a number of questions about the procedure.

Which of the following is correct to tell the officer?


The suspect should be given reasonable choice as to where the hair sample comes from and single strands plucked (unless the suspect prefers otherwise). The person taking them should also only take the amount that is necessary for a sample


RALPH and TIM are two brothers that live in the same house. Their mother died a year ago and they own the house jointly between them. RALPH and TIM hate each other passionately and spend most nights fighting. TIM is an alcoholic and enjoys taunting RALPH by playing loud rock music, RALPH aggravates TIM by playing the TV at high volumes. One evening TIM cannot take it anymore and screams at RALPH “I’ll burn our house down and you will burn alive”. RALPH laughs knowing that TIM wouldn’t have the guts to do it.

Considering the offence of Threats to Commit Damage (Section 2) which of the following statements is correct?

  • No offence has been committed because TIM cannot damage his own property.
  • TIM has committed the offence as he intends RALPH will fear it will be carried out
  • TIM has not committed the offence as RALPH does not believe TIM will carry it out.
  • TIM has committed the offence through the words he has said alone, his intention is irrelevant.

TIM has committed the offence as he intends RALPH will fear it will be carried out