MNT Chapter 22 - Weight Management - Sheet1 Flashcards
MNT Yumi Petrisko
Activity Thermogenesis (AT)
Energy expended in voluntary activity
Mature fat cell
Proteins released by the adipose cell into the blood stream that acts as a signaling molecule when normal body composition is disturbed
Helps body respond better to insulin by boosting metabolism
Adiposity Rebound
Period of increase in BMI after approx. 6 years old
Android Fat Distribution
Distribution of excess fat in the abdomen
Bariatric Surgery
Treatment acceptable for morbid obesity OR BMI>35 w/comorbodities
kg/m^2 (>25=overweight, >30=obese)
Brown Adipose Tissue
Available to infants ,rapid energy source, found primarily in the subscapular and scapular areas & is 5% of their body weight
Drugs that act on the brain to increase norepinephrine (typically high potential for abuse, so not recommended)
Simultaneous presence of 2 chronic diseases/conditions in a patient
Essential Fat
Fat necessary for normal physiological functioning
Fat Mass
Mass from ALL body sources
Fat-Free Mass (FFM)
Water, protein, and mineral contents in the body
Gastric Banding
Band is used to reduce size of stomach pouch
Gastric Bypass
Reducing size of the stomach pouch via staples, but connecting a small opening in the upper portion of the stomach to the small intestine by means of an intestinal loop
Reduces size of the stomach by applying stainless steel staples to create a small gastric pouch, leving only a small opening into the stomach.
hunger hormone that tells the brain when stomach is empty (causes drop in metabolism)
Gynoid Fat Distribution
Distribution of excess fat in the thighs and buttocks
Hormone Sensitive Lipase
HSL enzymes hydrolyze TGs into fatty acids and glycerol to be released into circulation