MNE organisation, structure and control Flashcards
What is an architecture?
framework or skeleton of an organisation and how it structures itself. Without a supporting architecture, a firm may not be able to effectively implement its strategy to realize the benefits of internationalization.
Organizational architecture
consists of its structure, people, processes, culture, incentives and control systems. these components must be internally consistent.
What is organizational structure?
provides a guide for the application of management processes. formal division of the organization into sub-units. pattern of relationships and communication between sub-units. structure represents the “bones” or “skeleton” of an organization.
Key dimensions of organizational structures:
vertical differentiation - decision making in the firm
horizontal differentiation - division or segmentation of the firm
Vertical differentiation
focus on power and decision-making within the firm. centralization vs decentralization. degree of autonomy of subsidiaries.
centralization - puts the responsibility of the decision making on upper-level managers mostly at the HQ
pros: easier coordination, consistency, avoids duplication
decentralization - delegates the responsibility of decision making to lower-level subsidiary managers.
pros: reduces burden on top management, increases motivation and innovation.
Split or mixed control
centralize: standards, procedure, financial management, procurement.
decentralize: strategy and HR marketing
often control is not absolutely centralized or decentralized - decision making power is split
On what basis will you centralize or decentralize control of subsidiaries?
HQ: expertise, confidence in subsidiary, interdependency, importance of foreign market
subsidiary: performance, ownership structure
host country: laws, culture, voids and constraints
NB need to think about the local environment complexity when thinking about decisions
Control mechanisms
bureaucratic measures - rules, systems, procedures, standards
output control - focuses on measurable results within the organization - budgets etc.
cultural control - organisational norms and values
Can a multinational firm have one strong corporate culture across all of its subsidiaries?
emerging markets serve several important needs (labour, raw materials, market)
control is more important in emerging countries
the corporate governance scandals of subsidiaries in emerging countries can damage the reputation of MNEs
Institutional duality
MNE subsidiaries dilemma: simultaneous need to conform to both external legitimacy forces (host country) and internal legitimacy forces (HQ)
happens in a lot of MNE
Horizontal differentiation
division of a firm into sub-units, division could be based on - departmentalization or functions.
Functional structure
enterprise divides diff functions into sub units, firms are organized on the basis of tech expertis. suited to domestic and non-diversified firms - don’t need to consider cultural differentiation
International division
centralises all the international operations in a dedicated department. common when firms start to internationalize.
adv - reduces CEO burden on direct operations of overseas subsidiaries
disadv - not always suitable for large/diversified MNEs.
Worldwide product division
highly diversified firms, group products/services into divisions. each division is self-contained and responsible for the value-creation activities. easy coordination worldwide - easier realization of location and learning economies
Strategic business units (SBUs)
wise business line. need to be managed in diff subsidiaries. cluster them and divide into different sub units makes it easier to control and measure the process.
Global area structure - national
under diff national subsidiaries there will be sub units. by clustering diff national subsidiaries into one decision is helpful for local responsiveness - changes that happen somewhere wont happen elsewhere. hard in terms of knowledge transfer - segregated, diff expertise etc..
Global area structure - regional
cluster similar countries within proximity into regions for better management
Matrix structure
Matrix: an organizational structure often used to alleviate the disadvantages associated with both geographic area and global product division structures, especially for MNEs adopting a transnational strategy.
Matrix forms
can be 2 dimensional - product division x functional division
can be 3 dimensional - product x functional x national
Changes in structure and strategy: organizational Inertia
Organizational inertia refers to the resistance or reluctance within an organization to change its current state, strategies, structures, or processes
- Strong inertia forces may hinger changes in structure and strategy - Changes in power distributions - some people will lose power - Organizational culture - causing rigidity - Competency traps - keep doing what has worked well in the past - National regulations - local content requirements - Inertia must be managed effectively for change to succeed.
In conclusion..
- Structure may inhibit strategic ability
- Clearly delineated parent-subsidiary relationships facilitate implementation and execution of strategic aims
- Strike balance between autonomy and integration (importance of local vs centralized decisions)
Structure must match strategy