MMT - Starting Positions Flashcards
Scapular Elevation
AG: sitting upright in chairs
- Stabilize: trunk is against chair back
- do not let C push hands on legs to lift shoulders
GE: lying on stomach
- Stabilize: trunk is against mat
- keep hand under shoulder so there isn’t friction against mat
Scapular Depression
AG: not possible
GE: lying on stomach
- Stabilize: trunk is against mat
- make sure C isn’t twisting spine to lower one side of the body
Scapular Abduction/ Protraction
AG: supine, arm bent, and elbow pointed to ceiling
- Stabilize: back is against the mat
- help support holding arm up in the starting position
GE: sitting in chair, arm out
- Stabilize: trunk against chair
- do not let C lean whole body forward
Shoulder Flexion
AG: sitting in an armless chair, arm down at her side
- Stabilize: shoulder so can’t lean back
GE: lying on side, arm along the side of the body
- Stabilize: shoulder
- support arm so it doesn’t fall down to mat
Shoulder Extension
AG: sitting in an armless chair, arm down at her side
- Stabilize: shoulder so can’t lean forward
GE: lying on side
- Stabilize: shoulder so can’t lean forward
- support arm so it doesn’t fall down
Shoulder Abduction
AG: sitting in an armless chair with arm down at side
- Stabilize: shoulder so can’t lean to the side
GE: lying on back, arm at the side, at the edge of the mat
- Stabilize: shoulder
- support arm since it is hanging off the mat to prevent friction
Shoulder External Rotation
AG: lying down on stomach, arm out over the edge of the mat, elbow bent
- Stabilize: hold up humerus so the arm doesn’t fall down
GE: lying down on stomach, entire arm hanging limp over the edge of the mat, arm is in internal rotation
- watch out for supination of forearm instead of shoulder rotation
Alternate GE: sitting up in chair, arm at side with elbow bent
Shoulder Internal Rotation
AG: lying on stomach, arm out over the edge of mat, elbow bent
- Stabilize: hold up humerus so the arm doesn’t fall down
GE: lying on stomach, entire arm hanging limp over the edge of the mat, arm is in external rotation
- watch for pronation of forearm instead of shoulder rotation
Alternate GE: sitting up in chair, arm at side with elbow bent
Elbow Flexion
AG: sitting up in chair, arm at the side
- Stabilize: shoulder if needed, so C doesn’t lean forward
GE: hold arm out to the side
- Stabilize: hold arm up so it doesn’t drop
Elbow Extension
AG: lying down on stomach, arm lifted and bent at the elbow
- Stabilize: upper arm so it doesn’t drop
GE: sitting up, arm held out to the side
- Stabilize: support humerus
Forearm pronation
AG: sitting up, arm in supination, weird handshake thing so your hand provides resistance just by being there as the arm goes with gravity
-Stabilize: make sure elbow is against side of body
GE: hold arm up like a royal wave, palm starts facing C
- Stabilize: support elbow with one hand so that the holding arm up part isn’t a problem
Forearm supination
AG: their arm is palm down, hold overtop so that when she turns your hand is there for the with gravity part
- Stabilize: make sure elbow is against side of body
GE: hold arm up like a royal wave, palm starts facing OT
-Stabilize: support elbow with one hand so that the holding arm up part isn’t a problem
Wrist Extension
AG: hand flat with palm on the table
- Stabilize: forearm
GE: hand turned to the side with pinky on the table
- put a piece of paper under the hand to prevent friction
- Stabilize: forearm
Wrist Flexion
AG: back of the hand against the table
- Stabilize: forearm
GE: hand turned to the side with pinky on the table
- put a piece of paper under the hand to prevent friction
Finger Metacarpophalangeal Extension
AG: hand on the table with palm down
- Stabilize: wrist
GE: hand turned to the side with pinky on the table
- Stabilize: wrist