MMPI- Validity & Clinical Flashcards
Cannot say, 10+ caution, 30+ don’t interp
randomness, >80 invalid
True responce inconsistency, yay v nay, >80 may be invalid
F >80
Infrequency, indicates deviant/atypical ways of responding to items, high invalid for non-clinical
F < 54 / F < 39
Infrequency, deny/minimize
Fb, Fb > F by 30 T or more
Back Infrequency, assesses second half items
Fp >100
Infrequency Psychopathology, atypical responses, reflects psychopathology better; INVALID
Fp 70-99
Infrequency Psychopathology, atypical responses, reflects psychopathology better,
Fp < 69
Infrequency Psychopathology, atypical responses, reflects psychopathology better,
Fake bad scale, ot for this class
L > 80
Lie scale, items w/minor personal flaws most admit,
Overly positive self presentation
L 65-79
CAUTION Lie scale, items w/minor personal flaws most admit,
Overly positive self presentation
L 50-64
LIKELY OK, Lie scale, items w/minor personal flaws most admit,
Overly positive self presentation
L < 50
OVERREPORTING? Lie scale, items w/minor personal flaws most admit,
Overly positive self presentation
K >65
DEFENSIVE, Defensiveness, deny psychopathology and present in favorable light
K < 40
exagg/cry for help? Defensiveness, deny psychopathology and present in favorable light
S > 70
defensive, Superlative self presentation, report positive attributes
S 40-69
ok, Superlative self presentation, report positive attributes
S < 40
underrpt? Superlative self presentation, report positive attributes
1, >65
Hypochondriasis, denial good health and admit somatic sxs
Depression, sx. Of dep, dysphoria, disat w/life
Hysteria, “hysterical” reactions to stress
feel overwhelmed; react to stress and avoid responsibility by developing physical symptoms; conversion, pain dxs; lack of insight
Psychopathic Deviant, measure rebelliousness, asocial/amoral
(espT>75): difficulty incorporating societal values and standards; asocial, mbcriminal beh‟s; conflict with authorities; underachievement; impulse gratification; ltd frustration tolerance; risk-taking; immature; extroverted; confident; aggressive.
6 T=60-70
Paranoia, paranoid sxs, suspiciousness, cynicism, complaints of others
T=60-70: psychosis less likely, but may be sensitive, mistrustful, guarded, hostile
Psychasthenia, similar to OCD/OCDP Patterns psychological turmoil & discomfort; significant worry; high-strung; pessimistic; physical complaints (cardio, GI); fatigue, insomnia; introspective; obsessions, compulsions; lack of self-confidence; neat, organized, meticulous; seen as dull and formal; shy, trustful, sensitive
Schizophrenia, disturbances in mood, though, behavior possible psychotic dx; but also non-psychotic turmoil, confusion, disorganization; substance abuse, medical; schizoid (not part of society), isolated, secretive; apprehension, A; moody; insecure
Hypomania, elevated mood, accelerated speech and motor activity, energy
0 > 65
—Social Introversion, withdraw from social contacts and responsibilities
T>65 (Social Introversion) insecure, shy; uncomfortable in social settings; lack self-confidence; serious; reliable, but conventional; worry, A; decreased energy
1, 70-80
T=70-80: chronic pain
1 >80
T>80: dramatic and bizarre somatic concerns
6 T > 70
T>70: may be psychotic, paranoid, resentful, feel mistreated
0 < 40
Social introversion
T<40 sociable, extroverted, friendly, active, energetic, competitive