MCMI Flashcards
12+ invalidates
Scale V
random or deviant- 3 highly improbable items
Scale X- BR 0-34
disclosure- tend twd defensiveness
Scale X BR 35-74
disclosure, avg disclosure
Scale X BR 75-100
disclosure, tend twd guileless self revelation
Scale X BR 101+
disclosure, invalid
Scale Y BR 75-84
desirability, Tendency to present in a favorable light; attempt to seem morally virtuous; inclination to appear psychologically healthy
Scale Y, BR 85+
Desirability, Probable denial of psychological difficulties; possible faulty psychological insight; potentially a fake-good response set
Extremely elevated scores do not invalidate a profile, but limit its interpretation!
Scale Z BR 75-84
Debasement index, Inclined to devalue and deprecate oneself; exaggeration of psychological sxs; possible indication of anxiety or depression
Scale Z, BR 85+
debasement, Possible indication of extreme emotional turmoil; perhaps a ―cry for help‖; potentially a fake-bad response set
Extremely elevated scores do not invalidate a profile, but limit its interpretation!
Schizotypal, prominent beheccentricities; discomfort in rel‘s; detach from soc affairs. Soc A w/ paranoid twist. Cog confusion; affect either flat or changing w/ changes in thought content. Thought cont mbsimilar to pos sxsof schizophrenia, but no delus/hall‘s.
Borderline, disruptive, unstable, superficial rel‘s. Unstable self-image. Intense, labile emo. Constantly seek attachments. Idealization/devaluation. SI possible.
Paranoid, suspiciousness, mistrust. Can be constricted & apprehensive, or aggressive and megalomanical. Vigilant. Rigid, inflexible thinking.
Schizoid; indifference to soc rel‘s, lack of emowarmth. But: inner sensitivity and emoneedy. A when close in rel‘s. Restricted affect. Ambiguous thought processes. (One theory: childhood Asperger‘ssimilar to schizoid).
Avoidant, pattern of w/d, self-inadequacy, hypersensitive to criticism. Socially inhibited, but the w/d is b/c of fear of rejection. If uncertain of another‘s acceptance, avoid contact. Fear of embarrassment.
Depressive, Negself-thoughts and emo. ―Sad‖, pessimistic, lack of pleasure. Self-denial. Unlike dysthymia, more sustained and continuous (dysthymiamore severe).
Dependent, submissive, clinging beh‘s; passive, nonassertive, compliant. Search for a ―magic helper‖ (security, nurturance). Submit willingly to others‘ wishes to maintain being protected. Decision-making difficulties, fear being alone. Mb dominant–submissive rel‘s.
Histrionic, seductive, excess. emotionality, attn-seeking. Outside: socially artful, self-assured, confident; beneath: fear autonomy, need repeated signs of acceptance/approval, mirroring wanted-validation-something in their mirroring maybe didn’t go right, sense of huge inadequacy underneath. ―Theatrical‖ emo; ―impressionistic‖ cognition
Narcissisitic, self-centered grandiosity, lack of empathy. Need for attn/admiration; (often excessive) pleasure in achiev‘ts; may seem arrogant. Respond w/ H to negreactions. Mood variability, intensity. Inside: self-esteem instability, feelings of inferiority.
Antisocial, blatant disregard for society & others‘ rights. Often belligerent, intimidating, domineering, and hostile. Illegal/unethical activities w/ ―I don‘t care‖. Acting out beh‘s.
Sadistic (Agressive) more pathological variant of the ASP. Aggressive, highly abusive, seemingly derive pleasure from humiliating others. Domination, control, (sexual) sadism. Review item content: mb a form of Type A personality.
Compulsive, OCPD, notOCD. Preoccupied w/orderliness, perfectionism, control. Rigid, constricted, organized in beh& thinking. Mechanical, effortful, as though in the service of an external directive. May lack in emo; ―devoted‖ to duty, work, obligation.
Negativistic (pass-agress) pervasive distrust of world. Vacillate btw dep& indep; angry & contrite; compliant & opposit. Conflict: satisfy own needs vscomply w/ others‘ desires. Turmoil, ambivalence. Rapid mood/behshift.
Masochistic (self-defeating) more patholvariant of 8A. Devaluate/denigr self; martyr-like complex. LSE, D, can‘t enjoy success/life. Sacrifice self for ―good‖ of the other. Sensitive to others, not self. Difficulty trusting, depend. Fear, A re: being unloved, abandoned.
Thought Disorder, psychotic sxs? (esp>85): schizophrenic? schizophreniform? brief psychotic?; disorg, inappropbehs; bizarre, fragmented thinking; poor concentration
Major Depression, diminished pleasure; guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness; psycho-motor retardation; attn/concentration difficulties; appetite/weight changes
Delusional Disorder, paranoid/hypervigilant; hostile; disturbances in thinking; ideas of reference; thought control.
Remember the DSM-IV delusion types:erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, mixed.
Anxiety disorder, general A, mb phobia or social A; chronic, exaggerated worry abt everyday functioning; excessive sweating, physical discomfort, nausea, insomnia, excessive somatic complaints (sometimes w/ accompanying depression)
Somataform Disorder, unexplained somatic sxs; may express psy stress thru vague somc omplaints (e.g., weakness, ailing health, non-specific fatigue); often seek medical care for symptoms; mbhypocondriasis
Bipolar: Manic Disorder, labile emo, elation, excitement, ē, exagg accomplish; inflated self-esteem; high scores: mb psychotic processes, delusions, grandiose ideas
Dysthymic Disorder, mild-moderate chronic D, dysphoricmood; sense of hopelessness, futility, pessimism; low ē, fatigue
Alcohol Dependence, traits/beh‟sconsistent w/ alcohol ab/dep; NB link btwndrugs & PDs
Drug dependence, recent/recurrent drug ab/dephx; impulse control diff; difficulties managing conseq‟sof beh; unconventionality
PTSD, exposure to a traumatic life-/safety-threatening event, w/ resulting hopelessness or intense fear. Variety of sxs: hypervigilance, irritability; trauma memories intrusion; emonumbing