MMPI/MMPI-2 Flashcards
What additions were made for the MMPI-2
Fb, Fp, VRIN, TRIN Supplementary Scales Content Scales PSY-5 Uniform t-scores
What deletions were made for the MMPI-2
13 items deleted
Subtle obvious sub-scales
Schlenger PTSD Scale
Content-Non Responsive Pattern
Looking for omissions or random responding
- 3 Scales to Use: ? scale, VRIN and TRIN
Content Responsive Pattern
Impression management
6 Scales to Use:
- Infrequency Scale (F)
- Back Infrequency Scale (FB)
- Infrequency Psychopathology (FP)
Underreporting - Faking Good
Lie Scale (L)
Correction Scale (K)
Superlative Self-Presentation (S)
F Scales
Is it answered accurately?
F- Infrequency Scale: designed to detect atypical ways of responding/and or random responding
Fb- Back infrequency scale: Validity for later items
- when elevated mean 2nd half of test is not as reliable as first half
- F and Fb both elevated–> invalid profile
Fp- Infrequency Psychopathology: when endorsed, less likely to refelcta ctually severe psychopathology may be faking bad (esp if VRIN>80)
Variable Response Inconsistency: item pairs that should be answered in a consistent manner
High VRIN = inconsistent/random responding over -VRIN= 80 is likely an invalid profile.
-VRIN= 70-79 questions of validity, especially with an elevated F.
TRIN – True Response Inconsistency Scale
Helps identify all true or all false
High TRIN = true response set (“aquiescent”)
Low TRIN = false response set (“nonacquiescent”)
TRIN= 80 is likely invalid profile
F Scales for Different Populations/Settings
T >100 = Possibly Invalid profile
T = 80-99 = False responding, exaggerated reporting, severe psychopathology
T < 54 = Possible minimizer, “fake good”
T > 90 = Possibly Invalid profile
T = 70-89 = False responding, exaggerated reporting, severe psychopathology
T < 54 = Possible minimizer, “fake good”
Nonclinical populations
T > 80 = Possibly Invalid profile
T = 65-79 = False responding, exaggerated reporting, severe psychopathology
T < 39 = Possible minimizer, “fake good”
Lie (L) Scale
Lie Scale- detect deliberate and unsophisticated attempts to present oneself in a favorable light
If L is high, need to consider if it was elevated due to a response style that favored “false” answering.
Use the TRIN scale. If TRIN > 80T (in the false direction), the profile is likely invalid.
Correction (K) Scale
More subtle and effective index of attempts by examinees to deny psychopathology and present themselves in a positive light or try to exaggerate psychopathology.
High scores = defensiveness
Low scores = unusual frankness and self-critical attitudes.
S (Superlative) Scale
Consists of items that present the person as free of psychological distress, getting along easily w/ others, denial of moral flaws, and having a strong belief of human goodness
- Considered experimental scale
- Shown promise in non- clinical populations where L and K in clinical populations
Depression + Anxiety
- common in psychiatric pts: distressed, agitated, nervous, restless
- insomina, slowed speech
- frequent dx: affective d/o, personality d/o (avoidant, compulsive, passive-agressive)
Psychopathic Deviate + Hypomania
- marked disregard for social standards
- poorly developed conscious
- narcissistic,selfish, sensation seeking, self indulegent
Paranoia + Schizophrenia
- Harbor intense feelings of inferiority and insecurity
- chronic leaning towards psychotic esp paranoid schizophrenic
- Conversion V: elevated 1&3 considerably lower 2 (at least 10 points)
- conversion symptoms may be present with stress converted into physical symtoms
- little anxiety
Which scales are sensitive to age?
Scales 4 and 9 are sensitive to age (level of energy and rebellious action out)
Older adults tend ot score higher on scales related to health concerns (1, 2, 3, 3, 0)
Differences with African Americans
Likely to score higher on F, 4, 8 and 9
Men higher then 8. Women higher on 4 and 5
What type of approach was used to develop the MMPI
Empirical keying approach
Why were the RC scales developed?
To address the issue of the maladjustment (demoralization) evident in most scales and increase the specificity of the clinical scales and overlap
List all the Clinical Scales by Number
1= Hypochondriasis 2= Depression 3= Hysteria 4= Psychopathic Deviant 5= Masculinity/femininity 6= Paranoia 7= Psychasthenia/ Anxiety 8= Schizophrenia 9= Mania 0= Social Isolation
How do RC scales correspond to their counterparts on the MMPI-2?
RC1- closest to counterpart clinical 1 scale
RC2- Correlates with scale 2
RC3- Very different (fundamentally so)
RC9- Relatively close to original scale