MMI Flashcards


Nf-kB and glucocorticord interaction
Nf-kB activation:
- (P) & removal of IkB inhibitor
- txloc to nucleus
- gene expression
- induced expression of IkB –> seq NF-kB in cytoplasm
- (-) gene Ts when activated GR (GC receptor) binds directly to NF-kB

catecholamines drive a TH___ shift

How dod proinflammatory cytokines are a potently activate the HPA axis.
inflammation –> IL-1, TNF-alpha, IL-6 –> (+) CRH in hypoT –> (+) stress hormones
which pituiary hormones are immunostimulatory?
prolactin, GH
CD40-CD40L interaction
Th: bind cytokind receptors on B cells –> promote B cell proliferation and Ig production
B: proliferation, synthesis, secretion of Ab

autoimmune diseases are characterized by activity of ….
auto-reactive lymphocytes: formation of Ab or activation of effector T cells
- organ specific: chronic T cell or Ab targetting of a particular organ
- systemic: breakdown of immune tolerance to self –> immune complex dmg in several body sites
descrbie immuno-pathogenesis in hasimoto thyroiditis
- inflamm infiltrate of activated: CD8, CD4, B, plasma, macrophages
* activated CD8 and CD4 –> IFNγ –> MHC II expression by thyrocytes –> CD4 T cell expansion and infiltration in the area - delete and replacement of thyroid with above inflamm infiltrate
- CD8: perforin/granzymes or FasL-Fas (CD95L-CD95) pathway
- CD4: IFNγ –> recruitment of macrophages –> cytokine release –> dmg
- anti-thyroid Ab –> bind thyrocytes –> C’ fixation –> ADCC
- TSH receptor
- thyroid enlargement –> fibrosis

Potent inhibitor of the T cell receptor signaling pathway
homologous structure to CD28 on T cells (binds B7 on APC)
fx: (-) T cell activation by counteracting signals DELIVERED by TCR complex and CD28 –> T cell signal termination

what could explain why some patients with Graves disease have episodes of hypothyroidism
presence of both stimulating and inhibiting Abs
what HLA is thought to protect pts from developing Graves
HLA DRB1*0701
what HLA-DR association with graves disease has been demonstated in caucasians?
HLA-DR3 and -DQA1 *0501
neonatal graves disease
transplacental transfer of thyroid-stimulating IgG from mom –> fetus
symptoms of hyperthyroidism
*** spontaneous recovery gradual!
- 2-3 mo as materal IgG metabolized
auto-Ag in T1D (4)
glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65)
- highly predictive of subseq dev of T1D
IA-2 (tyrosine phosphatase)
zinc T8 transporter (ZnT8)
what is the most important factor in determining disease susceptibility
MHC haplotype
2 monogenic syndromes assoc with immune-mediated diabetes-
APS-1 (AIRE) and IPEX (FoxP3)
differentation & fx requires Foxp3 & production of IL-2
expression: CD4 & CD25 (alpha chain of IL-2 receptor)
fx: (-) activation of naive T cells & fx of effector T cells
* mainly through production of IL-10 & TGF-beta

examples of autoimmune disorders associated with type 1A diabetes (5)
- celiac
- addison’s
- autoimmune thyroid disease
- pernicious anemia
- vitiligo
there is increased _____ in the adipose tissue of obese T2D mice
elevated lvls of what immune cytokines are predictive of T2D (4)
- TNF-alpha
- IL-1
- IL-6

Hirata disease
Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome
- presence of anti-insulin antibodies in a patient who has never been exposed to exogenous insulin
- –> recurrent and spontaneous hypoglycemia
- DRB1*0406
- can follow thx with sulfhydryl-containing medication, such as methimazole
autoimmune addison’s can have concimmitant autoimmunity with what other diseases?
autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes (APS-1 and APS-2)
immuno-pathogenesis of autoimmune addison’s
B cells:
- auto-Ab to 21-hydroxylase (in vitro but NOT in vivo)
T cells:
- auto-Ab to IgG1 or IgG2
- T cells reactive to fetal adrenal extracts
pts with what diseases should be screened for 21-hydroxylase autoantibodies as a concommitant autoimmunity with Addison’s?
- T1D
- hypoparathyroidism
idiopathic hypoparathyroidism may have autoAb to…
- parathyroid protein: NACHT leucine-rich repeat protein 5
- CaSR
APS-1 major components
- Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (auto-Ab to Th17)
- Addison’s Disease (AAD)
- Autoimmmune Hypoparathyroidism:
- manifests during childhood
- mutation in AIRE
APS-2 major components
- T1D
- Addison’s Disease (AAD)
- Autoimmmune thyroid disease
- most common
- genetically associated with certain HLA haplotypes & CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms
IPEX syndrome
Mutation in FoxP3 gene –> absent/dysfunctional Treg
presentation: during first few months of life:
- dematitis
- growth retardation
- multiple endocrinopathies
- recurrent infections
- overwhelming autoimmunity
- T1D (dev as early as 2 DAYS of age)
usually die within 2 years: sepsis, failure to thrive
Overview of the steps in the maturation of lymphocytes

regions of Ag receptor that dtermine Ag specificty are called
variable (V) regions
sequence variability within the V regions concentrated in CDRs (complementary determining regions)

Steps in the maturation and selection of MHC-restricted T lymphocytes.
recombination done by RAG-1/2
- beta chain: D –> J: DJ –> V: VDJ (variable region that binds to Ag)
- alpha chain: V –> J: VJ
mutation in RAG-1/2 –> SCID