MM practical Flashcards
do impingement test have high specificity or sensitivity?
do lags signs/ instability test have higher specificity or sensitivity?
what is the impingement cluster
infraspinatous test, KH test, painful arc
what is the full thickness RCT cluster?
infraspinatous, painful arc, drop sign
What is the anterior instability cluster?
apprehension, relocation, surprise
what is the slap cluster?
passive compression, passive distraction
what does the adsons test do?
TO from scalenes, work on first rib
what does costcoclavicular do?>
test first rib and clavicle
what does hyperabduction do?
tests pec minor
what is the cervical radic cluster
rotation less than 60, spurlings, traction, ULTT M
what is the cervical spine myelopathy?
age greater than 45, + hoffmans, + inverted supinator, +babinski, gait abnormality
how do you palpate supraspinatus
palpate anterior to acromion with shoulder in extension and internal rotation
how do you palpate teres minor?
90 degrees flexion, 10 degrees adduction, 20 degrees lateral rotation, palpate inferior to posteriolateral acromion
what is primary impingement?
not enough anatomical room (top down impingement)
what is secondary impingement?
instability or weakness that causes a joint side issue with the RC
what is internal impingement?
usually seen in throwers
what can be entraped in the cubital tunnel?
ulnar nerve
what would you expect to be involved in pronator teres syndrome? What would you expect to see?
median nerve, pain/paresthesia/weakness in median nerve distribution
what would you expect to see with an AIN entrapement?
motor symptoms only!!!!! Will not be able to perform tip to tip of pointer and thumb
what would you expect to see with radial tunnel syndrome?
lateral elbow pain, NO motor weakness, just pain
What would you expect to see with PIN?
motor involvement only!!!! thumb and finger extension will be weak