mm pp 8 strep Flashcards
Steptococcus Species are gram _______
Most streptococcus species are __________ anaerobes while some need CO2
__________ are fastidious
Strep species are ___________ fermenters
Streptococcus species are coagulase (Pos or neg)
Coagulase negative
Streptococcus are classified based on _______
Serotypes (A-W)
They express hemolysis _______ based on the species
Alpha, Beta, or Gamma
Most important group of streptococcus are ______
Group A
Group A Streptococcus species cause _________ and ________
Pharyngitis and necrotizing fascitis
Group A Streptococcus cause _____ hemolysis on blood agar
Most group A virulent strains have a _________ and are transferred by _________
Capsule and are transferred by respiratory droplets
Group A Antigen is:
Carbohydrate GlcNAc and rhamnose
M protein-
2 alpha helical chains anchored in membrane and extending through the cell wall which prevents phagocytosis.
How does the M Protein function?
Blocks the binding of C3b in virulent strains.
There are _______ serotypes of the M protein
T protein-
Trypsin-resistant. Important in strains without the M Protein
M-Like Protein-
Lipotehoic Acid and F protein
Capsule of Streptococcus-
Glucoronic acid and GlcNAc which prevents phagocytosis. Present on the virulent strains usually
Lipoteichoic acid on Streptococcus binds the ________ cells
After lipoteichoic acid binds then _________ then bind
M protein, F protein, and Adhesions
M and F proteins allow the Streptococcus species to ________
enter the epithelial cells
If M and F protein enter the epithelial cell then Immune response is blocked by ________
Complement inactivasion and inflammation blocking
Pyrogenic Exotoxins in Streptococcus Species-
Found in lysogenic strains; erythrogenic and superantigens. Can cause toxic shock and nectrotizing fascitis
Streptolysin S (S stands for Serum Stable)-
Lyses RBC’s (Causing Beta Hemolysis). This can kill phagocytes