MKTG 440 Exam 2 Flashcards
Rules for assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of attributes.
Nominal Scale
numbers are assigned to objects or classes of objects solely for the purpose of identification
Ordinal Scale
numbers are assigned to data on the basis of some order of objects
- median
- mode
Interval Scale
the numbers assigned legitimately allow the comparison of the size of the differences among and between the numbers
Ratio Scale
Measurement that has a natural, or absolute zero and therefore allows the comparison of absolute magnitudes of the numbers
Systematic Error
Error in measurement that is known as constant error since it affects the measurement in a constant way. (personality, response styles, wording of questions, methods of admin)
The degree to which a measure measures what it is supposed to measure.
-As systematic and/or random error increases, validity of a measure decreases
The degree to which a measure is consistent across time, evaluators, and the items forming the scale.
Performance of objective
People are most likely to recount things that are consistent with their attitudes
Direct questioning; most common approach
Graphic-rating scale
Place an X to reflect perceptions
- “Unlimited” number of response categories
- Continuous scale
Itemized-ratings scale
List of items, options to choose perceptions for each item
- Limited number of response categories
- 5 to 9 categories
Summated-ratings scale
Likert Scale
-degree of agreement or disagreement
Semantic-rating scale
selection between a set of bipolar adjectives or phrases
Comparitive-ratings scale
Divide X number of points between attributes.
Constant-sum method
Divide 100 points among five areas
Response set bias
All negative, neutral, positive.
Reverse scaling
a technique in which some of the items on a multi-item scale are written so that the most positive responses are at the opposite end of the scale from where they would normally appear
Global measure
to provide an overall assessment of an object or phenomenon, typically using one or two items
Composite measure
provide a comprehensive assessment of an object or phenomenon, with items to assess all relevant aspects or dimensions
Filter question
Are you the person that makes decisions?
Telescoping Error
If the respondent did something a long time ago, they feel like they did it recently, but memory may not be as accurate
Recall loss
Can’t remember when they did it
Randomized-response model
Initial “benchmark” study
-second survey, 200 respondents, flip a coin and answer the question, coin won’t be known to researcher.
Multichotomous question
respondents are asked to choose the alternative that most closely reflects their position on a subject
Response order bias
an error that occurs when the response to a question is influenced by the order in which the alternatives are presented