MKTG 440 Exam 1 Flashcards
Marketing Research
the function that links the consumer to the marketer through information. information used to identify and define marketing problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance, and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
Research Process
1: Formulate Problem
2: Determine Research Design
3: Determine Data Collection Method
4: Design Data Collection Forms
5: Design Sample and Collect Data
6: Analyze and Interpret Data
7: Prepare Written/Verbal Report
Decision problem
the problem facing the decision maker for which the research is intended to provide answers. describe manager’s view of problem
Discovery-oriented decision problem
common with unplanned changes in the marketing environment. Answer: “What” or “Why” questions.
Decision Problem:
Why are store revenues so low?
Research Problem:
- Investigate current customer satisfaction
- Assess target market perceptions of store and competitors
Research problem
A restatement of the decision problem in research terms.
Research request agreement
1: Background
2: Decision Problem
3: Research Problem
4: Use
5: Population/Subgroups
6: Logistics
Research proposal
a written statement that describes the marketing problem, the purpose of the study and a detailed outline of the research methodology
Request-for-proposal (RFP)
A document that describes, as specifically as possible, the nature of the problem for which research is sought and that asks providers to offer proposals, including cost estimates, about how they would perform the job
- issued by a company in order to solicit proposals from research providers
- should be specific enough to allow easy comparisons across vendors
Syndicated Research
A single research study conducted by a research company with its results available, for sale, to multiple client companies.
Field Service Research
Limited Service Research
Full Service Research
a statement that specifies how two or more measurable variables are related
Exploratory research
discover ideas and insights
Depth interview
interviews with people knowledgeable about the general subject being investigated
Focus Group
an interview conducted among a small number of individuals simultaneously
- relies on group discussion
- 8-12 people (6-8 more common)
Must ensure that:
- objectives of the study are met
- Everyone in the group voices their thoughts
- A true interaction between participants emerges
-Funnel approach (broad to general)
Literature search
Search of popular press (magazines & newspapers), books, trade journal articles, academic literature, and/or published statistics from research firms or government agencies
Case Analysis
Intensive study of selected examples of the phenomenon of interest
- benchmarking
- ethnography (observation of consumers using products)
Dummy Table
A table with no entries used toe how how the results of the analysis will be presented
Descriptive research
determining the frequency with which something occurs
Attempt to answer:
-who, what, where, when, why, how?
Cross-sectional study
Single point in time measures of a representative sample selected from a population; emphasis on summary statistics.
Longitudinal study
Repeated measures, over time, of a fixed sample
- Two Primary types:
- Continuous panel (true):
- Discontinuous panel (omnibus)
Continuous panel
Fixed sample of respondents who are measured repeatedly over time with respect to the SAME variables
Causal research
Used to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables
ex: condition X causes event Y
often used to isolate relationships between independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables.
Field experiment
Includes a situation with fluid conditions
- like a retail store; realistic situations
- control of variables other than X or Y is challenging (store conditions vary)
- X variables are manipulated
Laboratory experiments
Includes a situation with exact conditions.
- control of variables other than X or Y is maximized
- X variables are manipulated
Market testing
involves the use of a controlled experiment done in limited, but carefully selected, section of the marketplace
key issues: cost, time, control
Standard Test Market
the company sells the product through its normal distribution channels
-best suited for radical/innovative products
Controlled Test Market
an entire test program conducted by an outside service in a market in which it can guarantee distribution
-best suited for new products that fit into existing product line
Simulated Test Market
A study in which consumer ratings and other information are fed into a computer model that then makes projections about the likely level of sales for the product in the market.
-Best suited for evaluating product line extensions
Secondary data
information not gathered for the immediate study at hand, but for some other purpose
-often give good background info and fill in some gaps in researcher’s understanding
Decision support system
Database + Analytical Models + User Interface
- data system
- model system
- dialog system
Primary source
originating source of secondary data