MKTG 322 Exam 1 - FLASHCARDS - Exposure, attention, and perception (1)
What is exposure?
means coming into physical contact with a stimulus, such as a marketing stimulus
What are marketing stimuli?
contain information about the marketer’s product and brand name, its features and benefits, and how it relates to consumers’ needs and goals. Marketers use a variety of marketing stimuli (ads, salespeople, packages, social media, e-mails, promotional products, gift cards, mobile messages, billboards, brochures, brand websites, podcasts, webinars) to expose consumers to their brand.
What 3 things does a marketer need for a consumer to consider their product/service?
Exposure, attention, and perception
What is exposure?
when a person comes into contact with marketing stimulus
What is attention?
when a consumer focuses on the marketing/ad/etc. (expends mental resources on it)
What is perception?
When a consumer tries to interpret and comprehend the properties of stimuli using one or more of their five senses
What are ways marketers can increase exposure?
Choosing the right medium, positioning within a medium, and product distribution and shelf placement
What are examples of choosing the right medium?
• Paid search ads
• In-app banners
• Video ads
• Streaming ads
• Social media ads
• Email
• Digital banner ads
• In-game ads
• TV ads
What are examples of positioning within a medium?
• Back cover of magazine
• After certain articles
• Beginning or end of commercial break
• During certain TV events
What are examples of product distribution and shelf placement?
• Location within a store (distribution)
• Eye-level placement
• Amount of the self allocated
What does it mean that perception is constructive?
People construct interpretations very quickly based off their five senses
What are two major factors that consumer construct meaning from?
1) the “actual” stimulus/event
2) Prior beliefs/stereotypes, knowledge, needs, goals, expectations, etc.
What are the benefits of product placement?
-increase viewer awareness of item
-positive attitudes toward the product
-make ppl more likely to talk about product & search for it online
What is selective exposure?
Consumers can selectively control what marketing stimuli they view.
Consumers decide what they will be exposed to:
• Zapping – turn down sound, change channel
• Zipping – fast-forwarding
What can overexposure lead to?
Boredom or reactance
What are the properties of attention?
-limited = valuable, only ‘x’ amount
-selective: can decide where to focus
-can be divided: may give partial attention
What makes consumers pay attention?
-individual factors: if it is relevant to me
- motivation: tied to emotions, consequences on consumer’s life, values/goals
-stimulus factors: (e.g., characteristics of the ad, product, etc.):
familiar, novel, surprising, funny, pleasant, threatening
What is selective attention?
Process of focusing on a particular stimulus, which results in the ignoring of other simultaneously occurring stimuli
Consumers are more likely to pay attention to an add if it has what characteristics?
-familiar: celebrities
What is inattentional blindness?
When attention has reached its limit
Perception is ______?
Constructive. People construct interpretations very quickly
What is sensation?
The immediate response of our sensory receptors to texture, scent, sound, taste, light, etc
What are vision stimuli perceptions based on?
based on
-size (*starbuck sz’s unique)
-shape (can show amount or be associated w/ my brand)
-location in store
What are sound stimuli perceptions based on?
-music in the store
-voice (employee & ad)
-sonic identity
What is sonic identity?
Consumers associate specific sounds w/ a brand (disney music)
What sense is more connected to memory than other sense?
What is sensory marketing?
Marketing that engages our senses’ and affects our perception, judgment, and behavior
What is cognitive dissonance?
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change
3 stages of memory
sensory, short term, long term
What is encoding?
moving short term memories into long term memories
new info that is associated with existing info is easily encoded
How can we improve encoding?
- Elaboration
- Rehearsal
- Chunking