MKSAP IM V Flashcards
Definition of orthostatic hypotension
reduction of 20mmHg in SBP or 10 mmHg drop in DBP
Male patients with urgency urinary incontinence who have not achieved satisfactory relief of symptoms with behavioral therapy may benefit from the use of ____.
anticholinergic agents or mirabegron
Finasteride (5alpha-reductase inhibitor) will not help. This is for BPH and in a patient who has a post void residual that suggest that the outlet obstruction has been addressed (with tamsulosin), there will be no benefit.
In adult patients, first-line therapy for symptomatic left-sided varicocele that is not associated with testicular atrophy or infertility is ___.
analgesic agents and scrotal support.
Typical features include eye pain, pain with gentle palpation of the globe, and photophobia.
Scleritis (associated with RA)
What medicine do you avoid after bariatric surgery?
NSAIDS. Due to risk of bleeding.
Before initiating hormonal contraception, a _____ result must be documented if 7 days have passed since the onset of the last menstrual period.
negative pregnancy test
First-line treatment of acute low back pain is ______, including acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation, and superficial heat; most patients will improve over time, regardless of the treatment chosen.
nonpharmacologic therapy, not even APAP (not shown to improve). NSAIDs can help too
____, in low doses, is the only antidepressant FDA approved for the treatment of insomnia.
paresthesias and pain that typically worsen with activities that involve continued use of the arm or hand, especially those that include elevation of the arm; first-line therapy includes improving posture and strengthening the shoulder girdle muscles.
Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
All patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss should undergo audiometric evaluation, and most patients will require ____.
Right-sided hearing loss and the finding of lateralization to the left ear on Weber testing support the diagnosis of ______ hearing loss.
_____ are superior to standard gauze dressings in the treatment of pressure injuries; protein supplements and the use of electrical stimulation to accelerate wound healing are also recommended treatment strategies.
Hydrocolloid or foam dressings
In older men and persons who practice insertive anal intercourse, infectious epididymitis should be treated with ____ and ____.
ceftriaxone and a fluoroquinolone, such as levofloxacin (to cover pseudomonas)
What do you give to cover for chlamydia if they are intolerant to doxy?
The American Psychiatric Association recommends long-term maintenance therapy for patients with ____ or more episodes of major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, or residual depressive symptoms; the antidepressant dosage that was effective in acute treatment should be continued for long-term maintenance.
“red flag” findings that would warrant imaging, whether in the form of plain radiography or MRI for cervical radiculopathy (3)
- constitutional symptoms
- concern for malignancy
- progressive neurologic symptoms
- myelopathic findings such as difficulty writing, gait disturbance, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, or problems with fine manipulation.