MKSAP DERM II Flashcards
What is actinic purpura
Age and sun damage related capillary fragility and bleeding under strophic skin
Flat, noninflammed and ecchymosis in sun damaged skin on forearms and dorsal hand
Elderly smokers with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis and high rheumatoid factor titers are at risk for _____.
Rheumatoid vasculitis
Illicit drug use can result in what kind of vasculitis?
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (most notably from cocaine adulterated wtih levasmisole).
Have palpable purpura often with involvement of ears.
What is the leading cause of subacute cutaneous lupus erthematosus?
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (like adalimumab)
Drug-induced photosensitive rash characterized by erythematous annular (ring-shaped) scaly patches.
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
How often do you need to have cellulitis per year to be considered for abx ppx?
3 to 4 times yearly
Asymptomatic translucent telangiectatic papule on sun-exposed areas in fair-skinned person
Basal cell carcinoma
Variant of sarcoidosis that involves granulomatous inflammation of the skin around the nares.
Lupus pernio
Targetoid lesions accompanied by mucous membrane involvement
Erythema multiforme major (triggered by drug or infection mainly HSV or Mycoplasma)
Firm, flesh-colored lesion (few mm to few cm) with central punctum on trunk that can express foul-smelling material
Epidermal inclusion cyst
Treated with excision (need to remove the epithelial lining)
What is telogen effluvium
Generalized nonscarring alopecia triggered by a physically traumatic event about 3-5 months after the event (surgery, birth, fever), spontaneously resolves 6-12 months
What is melasma?
Acquired hypermelanotic condition usually affected women of childbearing age; characterized by tan-brown reticulated patches on the face
New or explosive onset of seborrheic dermatitis is associated with…
Red (varying) pruritic papules on chest, flanks and back associated with dry skin, heat and sweating in middle-aged to elderly men
Transient acantholytic dermatosis
Treated with topical steroids or moisterizers
Pruritic, purple, polygonal papules that can coalesce into plaques on the ankles and flexor surfaces of the wrist
Lichen planus