Mk 4:1-40 Flashcards
volucris, volucris (f)
bird, flying insect/creature
exorior, exoriri, exortus sum
to come out, come forth, appear, rise, begin, spring up
exaustuo, exaestuare, exaestuavi, exaestuatus
to boil up, seethe, rage
exaresco, exarescere, exarui
to dry up
offoco, offocare, offocavi, offocatus
to choke, throttle
spina, -ae (f)
thorn, spine, prickle, thorn bush
ascendo, ascendere, ascensi, ascensus
to climb, mount, scale, rise, ascend, move upward
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus
to come forth/be, arise/spring, be born, thrive, attain
adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatum
to bring to, carry, convey, report, cause, produce, announce
singularis, singularis, singulare (adj)
alone, unique, single, singular, one by one, unusual
nequando (adv)
lest, lest ever, never, not ever
immediately, suddenly, at once, forthwith
aufero, aufzerre, abstuli, ablatus
to bear, carry, snatch away/off, remove, withdraw, steal, obtain
similiter (adv)
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus
to take, grasp, receive, accept, let in, obey
temporalis, temporalis, temporale (adj)
temporary, due to lapse, w/ time limit, of this temporal world
deinde (adv)
henceforth, then, afterward
scandalizo, scandalizare, scandalizavi, scandalizatus
to tempt to evil, cause to stumble, offend, scandalize
aerumna, aerumnae (f)
toil, hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity
saeculum, saeculi (n)
worldliness, the world, heathenism
reliquum, relique (n)
remainder, residue
(pl) future, things yet to be, subsequent events
concupiscentia, concupicentiae (n)
concupisco, concupiscere, concupivi, concupitus
longing for worldly/carnal things
to desire eagerly, covet, long for
efficio, efficere, effeci, effectus
to bring about, effect, execute, cause, accomplish, produce
suscipio, sucipere, suscepi, suceptus
to undertake, support, accept, receive, take up
lucerna, -ae (f)
oil lamp, midnight oil
aliquid (pro)
anyone/anybody/anything, some one/thing
palam (adv)
openly, publicly, plainly
mensura, -ae (f)
measure, length, area
metior, metiri, mensus sum
to measure, estimate, mete, walk/sail through
adicio, adicere, adjeci, adjectus
to add, increase, raise, suggest to hurl (weapon); throw to/at
remetior, remetiri, remensus sum
to go back over
quaemadmodem (adv)
as, just as
falx, falcis (f)
sickle, scythe
messis, messis
harvest, crop, harvest time
prout (conj)
just as , as, exactly as
sero, serius, serissime (adv)
late, at a late hour, tardy, too late
seorsum (adv)
separately, apart from the rest
fluctus, fluctus (m)
wave, disorder, flood, flow, surge, turbulence, commotion
procella, -ae
storm, gale, tumult
puppis, puppis (f)
stern; ship
cervical, -alis (n)
pillow, cushion
adsumo, adsumere, adsumpsi, adsumptus
to take to/up/on/from, raise, use, receive, assume, usurp, claim
excito, excitare, excitavi, ecitatus
to wake up, stir up, incite, excite, arouse
obmutesco, obmutescere, obmutui
to become silent
comminor, comminari, comminatus sum
to threaten, rebuke
necdum (conj)
and/but not yet
oboedio, oboedire, oboedivi, oboeditus
to obey
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus
to be silent