JN 4:5-42 Flashcards
praedium, praedi (n)
farm, estate (plot of land)
fons, fontis (n)
spring, fountain, well
principal cause
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatus
to weary, tire, fatigue, harrass, importune,
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus
to draw up/out, drink, swallow, drain, exhaust
posco, poscere, poposci
to ask, demand
coutor, couti, cousus sum
to associate with, have dealings with (late, rare)
forsitan (adv)
puteus, putei (n)
from where, whence, from what or which place
numquid (adv)
is it possible, surely…not, can it be that
question expecting negative
pecus, pecoris (n)
cattle, herd, flock
sitio, sitire, sitivi
to be thirsty
whoever, whatever, everyone who, all that, anything that
continuo (adv)
immediately, at once, continuously
interea (adv)
invicem (adv)
ad invicem
in turn, by turns
from one another
meto, metere, essui, messus
to reap, mow, cut off
merces, mercedis (f)
pay, salary, price, reward, rent