MK 38 MOD 2 25MM Machine Gun System Flashcards
What is the 25 MM primarily used for?
Anti-Small crafts.
Where is the 25 MM machine gun system located?
Amidships port M2502 and stbd M2501
What does MGS stand for?
Machine Gun System
What type of gun is the 25MM?
Bushmaster Chain Gun M242 25MM
What is the effective range for it?
2700 meters
How many firing modes does it have and what are they?
5 Single shot Low Bursts (3) High Bursts (5) Low Continuous (100rpm) High Continuous (180rpm)
Where can the 25 MM be operated?
Locally at the station
Remotely on Remote Operator Console (ROC) in pilot house
How many modes are there and what are they?
SIX Surveillance (SUR) Engagement (ENG) PRIMARY BATTLE MODE Manual (MAN) Service (SRV) Home position (HOME) Built-In Test (BIT)
What type and how many ammo does the 25 MM have?
FOUR (-T = Tracer) APDS-T [Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot] HEI-T [High Explosive Incendiary] TP-T [Target Practice] SAPEI-T [Semi-Armor Piercing Explosive Incendiary]
What are some of the parameters of the 25 MM? (Hot gun, rate, effectiveness)
Hot Gun Condition: 100 rounds 15 minutes
Rate of fire: 180rpm HIGH 100rpm LOW
Effective Range: 3000 rounds
What is a cook off?
Inadvertent firing (due to high temps of gun)
What is a hot gun?
Gun reaches high enough temperature, potential cook off.
What is a hang fire?
Operator fires but theres a delay
What is a misfire?
Failure of weapon firing when you fired.
What does SCAT stand for?
Small Craft Attack Team
Where are the locations of magazines?
Deep Mag: Access trunk SONAR p-way
21 MAG: Port Forecastle O-2
22 MAG: port AFT Missile O-1
Where is MT 501/502 and whats there?
Single .50 cal browning machine gun
Fwd Ballast doors
Where is MT 505/506 and whats there?
Dual.50 cal browning machine gun
Aft missile deck