mixtures Flashcards
what do mixtures contain;?
at least two different element or compounds
no chemical bonds
they are easily seperated unlike compounds
is air a misture?
yes air is a mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen argon carbon dioxide and oxygen
is crude oil a mixture?
yes indeed its a mixture off different length hydrocarbon molecules
what can mixtures be seperated by
simple distillation
fractional distilation chromotography
properties of mixture?
what types of seperation techniques do you know =
filtration =
they both seperate mixtures solids from liquids
filtration step by step
1=put some filter paper in funnel
2=pour mixture in funnel
3=make sure mixture not go above funnel
4=liquid passes through paper into beaker . Solid left behind in beaker
two ways to seperate soluble solids from soultions
crystilisation and evaporations
evaporation step by step
1= slowly heat the solution in an evaporating dish. solvent will evaporate
2=eventually crystals will start to form
3=keep heating until crystals are completely dry
evaporation is a really quick way of separating a soluble salt from a solution but you can only use it if the salt does not break down when its heated otherwise youll have to use crystilisation
crystillisation step by step
1= gently heat the solution in evaporating dish . some of solvent will evaporate
2=once some of the solvent has evaporated or when seeing crystals starting to form stop heating leave solution to cool
3=salt should start to form crystals
4= filter the crystals out of solution leaving them in warm place to dry
filtration and crystilisation can be used to seperate rock and salt how do you do that?
rock salt is a mixture of salt and sand salt dissolves in water but sand doesnt
1=grind the mixture to make sure the salt crystals are small so will dissolve easily
2=put mixture in water and stir . salt will dissolve but sand will not
3= filter the mixture .grains of sand wont fit through tiny holes in filter paper so they collect on paper instead.the salt passes through the filter paper as it part of solution
4=use evaporation or crsystilisation so that you end up with dry crystals of salt