Mixed Tenses In Sentences Flashcards
If I had not eaten something I would have died.
Si je n’avais pas mange* quelque chose je serais mort.
I will have stayed at that hotel three times after I have made this visit
Je serai reste* trois fois a cet hotel apr*es que j’aurais fait cette visite.
I was washing my hair when the doorbell rang.
Je me lavais les cheveux quand la cloche de la porte a sonne*
He was living in Lincoln when he died.
Il habitait a Lincoln quand il est mort.
I would like to see the opera Madame a Butterfly again.
J’aimerais revoir l’opera Madame Butterfly.
He would like to visit his mother in USA.
Il aimerait visiter sa mere aux Etats Uni.
I would have given my brother £50 if he had dug my garden.
J’aurais donne* a mon frere cinquante livre s’il avait creuse* mon jardin.
I would have asked my neighbour to help me if she had been at home.
J’aurais demande* a mon voisin de m’aider si elle avait ete* chez elle.
If he had arrived yesterday I would have seen him.
S’il etait arrive* hire je l’aurais vu.
I was 20 when I went to France for the first time but now we have a house in France and I go there four or five times per year.
J’avais vingt ans quand je suis alle* en France pour la premiere fois mais maintenant nous avons une maison en France et j’y vais quatre ou cinque fois par an.
Fortunately I speak French and so I don’t have any problems with my neighbours in the little village where we live.
Hereusement je parle francaise et alors je n’avais pas de problemes avec mes voisins dans le petit village ou nous habitons.
When I went to France for the first time I could have stayed with my Aunt in Paris but then I would not have been able to enjoy myself at the Moulin Rouge.
Quand je suis alle* en France pour la premiere fois j’aurais pu reste* chez me tante a Paris mais alors je n’aurais pas pu au Moulin Rouge.
The children were very grateful because I had given them some books to read.
Les enfants etait tres hereuse parceque je leur avais donne* des livres a lire.
The children were pleased because I had lent them a football.
Les enfants etaient contents parceque je leur avais prete* un footbal.
The spectators were happy because the football team had played so well.
Les spectateurs etaient heureuse parceque l’equipe de footbal avaient si bien joue*