mixed deck with pictures Flashcards
Cheyne stokes
is a form of central sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in which there are cyclical fluctuations in breathing that lead to periods of central apneas/hypopnea, which alternate with periods of hyperpnea. The crescendo-decrescendo pattern of respiration in CSR is a compensation for the changing levels of blood oxygen and carbon dioxide. Severe congestive heart failure seems to be the most important risk factor for the development of CSR.
-cellular, often myxoid stroma that encircles epithelium-lined glandular and cystic spaces. The epithelium of fibroadenoma can be compressed by the surrounding stoma.
Carcinoid tumors:
-easily recognizable as there is minimal to no variation in shape and size of tumor cells. Glands, nests, rows or sheets may be formed
most common location: ileum and appendix, rectum
CT cross sections of the pelvis
centriacinar epmhysema
protease-antiprotease imbalance and oxidant antioxidant imbalanets destroys ancinar walls
neck anatomy 1
pineal gland
superior colliculus:
more sinuses
Mid brain level of superior colliculus
midbrain and level of inferior colliculus
Anti GBM an RPGN with linear IgG
membranous glomerulonephritis
-diffuse gomerular capillary wall thickening with spiky, granular subepithelial IgG deposits