mixed deck 04/21 Flashcards
overuse of diuretics can lead to contraction alkalosis
overuse of diuretics or any other causes of volume loss lead to compensatory increase in aldosterone production. aldosterone causes retention of sodium and water and a loss of potassium and hydrogen ions by the kidneys.
- this causes a contraction metabolic alkalosis
- typical lab findings will be a high pH, a high HCO3 and a high pCO2
panic attack episodes
- decreases the pc02 and causes a respiratory alkalosis
- acute condition so no metabolic compensatory
Petazocine and butorphanol are unique in that they are PARTIAL mu opiod receptor agonists. but
when used in combination with morphine or other opiods, they can competitively inhibit mu receptors and product antagonisist effects reducing opiod analgesic effects, this can lead patients to withdrawal symptoms
C. trachomatis is an intracellular pathogen that has a cell wall, but the cell wall is unique in that
it lacks peptidoglycan!!!
so b-lactam drugs are no use! and (cephalosporins, penicillins)
instead use macrolide like azithromycin or tetracylcines
note ureaplasma urealyticum also lacks a cell wall
Amphoterible B binds to ergosterol of fungal cell membranes to excert its antifungal effects, however it can bind what to some degree?
this is what causes the toxicity to human tissues
ex) nephrotoxicirt, hypoklemia, hypomagnesiemia, anemia, thrombophlebetis at site of injection, acute infusion related reactions like fever, chills, rigors and hypotension
azoles inhibit or induce CP450?
fluconazole, itraconazole
griseofulvin used for dermatophytes only binds to
microtubular proteins as the mechanism of action
inferior MI –> RCA , which perfuses the AV and SA node, this can lead to bradycardia.
to treat the bradycardia, use atropine an anticholinergic which will decrease the vagal tone. Watch out for sideeffectsL
CNS: sedation
EYE: mydriasis (dilated pupils), cycloplegia (paralysis of accommodation). Recall there are M3 for ciliary muscle and constrictor pupillage which do accomodation and constriction respectively.
-this can lead to a narrowing of the anterior chamber angle and diminished outflow aqueous humor –> angle-closure glaucoma
heart: tach
secretions: decrease
bladder: detruser relaxation, delays voiding
bronchi: bronchodilation
what anticholinergic which can cause CNS sedation can be used for motion sickness?
What anticholinergic which works on CNS sedation is used for Parkinsons disease?
what anticholinergic, specifically an antimuscarin can be used for bronchodilation?
H1 receptor antagonist diphenyhydramine can be used for allergic rhinitis, but dont forget it has
anticholinergic effects too of muscarinic receptors –> decreased secretions. Decreased sweat gland secretions can result in fever and compensatory cuteneous vasodilation
-inhibition of pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscles
Staph foreign body infections?
- release an extracellular polysacchidre matric that encases the bacteria!
Which organisms can make biofilms?
staph epidermidis
step mutans and step sanguinis (viridins)
pseudomonas aeruginosa
nontypable hemophilus influenza
examples of encapsulated bacteria?
streptococcus pneumoniae
haemophilus influenza type B
Neisseria meningitidis