Mixed Flashcards
Elevation is which ECG leads indicates an MI on the anterior, septal, lateral or inferior surfaces of the heart?
Anterior: V1-6
Inferior: II, III, aVF
Lateral: I, aVL,
Septal: V2-4
Which medication improves survival in congestive heart failure?
ACE inhibitors (lisinopril)
What is the first assessment done of an acutely unwell patient?
What is the best blood to be given to increase clotting when the liver is damaged?
Fresh frozen plasma - contains all the clotting factors
What acutely reverses the effect of warfarin (when fit K ineffective)?
PCC (prothrombin clotting complex)
Which parts of the respiratory tree have no cartilage?
Bronchioles + alveoli
What are the palpable components of the larynx?
Hyoid, cricoid, thyroid
What is the blood supply to the diaphragm?
Branches of thoracic aorta
What is the management of oesophagitis?
PPI (omeprazole)
What is ranitidine used to treat?
Stomach/intestinal ulcers,
What is used to treat benign oesophageal strictures?
Dilation of oesophagus (prevent the symptom of dysphagia) - balloon dilation
What is the permanent treatment of achalasia if young and fit?
Myotomy (Hellers cardiomyotomy)
What is the first line management of ascites?
Paracentesis (first line relief), then medicinal management (spironolactone)
What is the treatment for primary biliary cirrhosis and auto-immune hepatitis?
PBC: urseodeoxycholic acid
Auto-immune: prednisolone
What investigation is done for norovirus?
PCR (as is a virus)
What investigation is done for diarrhoea of bacterial source (inc food poisoning)?
Stool culture
Which form on influenza causes pandemics?
Influenza A
How is coeliac screened for and diagnosed?
Screening: TTG (tissue transglutaminase)
Diagnosis: duodenal biopsy
What is macrocytic anaemia and what test is used to diagnose it?
Not enough haemoglobin in the blood due to decreased blood cells (large red blood cells)
Diagnosis: Schillings test
What antibiotic is used to treat pseudomonas aeruginosa?