Mitral regurgitation Flashcards
What is mitral regurgitation?
retrograde flow of blood from LV to LA during systole
aka mitral insufficiency
How can MR be classified based on aetiology?
Primary: direct involvement of valve leaflets or chordae tendinae
Secondary: changes of LV lead to valvular incompetence
How can MR be classified according to onset?
Acute: Acute dysfunction of MV leads to volume overload + Sx of acute heart failure.
Chronic: Occurs over many years, results in volume overload + LV dysfunction
Describe the pathophysiology of acute MR
↑ LA volume with normal LA compliance + ↑ LV end-diastolic volume
→ rapid ↑ in LA + pulmonary pressures
→ pulmonary venous congestion
→ pulmonary edema
Describe pathophysiology of decompensated chronic MR
Progressive LV enlargement + myocardial dysfunction
→ ↓ stroke volume
→ ↑ end-systolic + end-diastolic volume
→ ↑ LV + LA pressure
→ pulmonary congestion, possible acute pulmonary edema, pulmonary HTN, + RH strain
Name 2 conditions associated with MR
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfan syndrome
List 4 primary causes of MR
Degenerative mitral valve disease e.g. mitral valve prolapse (most common)
Rheumatic heart disease
Infective endocarditis: vegetations prevent valve closure
Ischemic MR: papillary muscle rupture following acute MI
Give 2 secondary causes of MR
Coronary artery disease or prior MI causing papillary muscle involvement
Dilated cardiomyopathy + left-sided HF
Describe symptoms in MR
Most asymptomatic,
Mild to mod MR may stay largely asymptomatic indefinitely.
Sx tend to be due to LV failure, arrhythmias or pulmonary HTN.
List 4 symptoms of MR
Pedal oedema
Palpitations (new onset AF common)
List 4 signs of MR
Pansystolic murmur that radiates to axilla (highpitched, blowing)
Laterally displaced, thrusting apex beat
Soft S1 (due to incomplete closure of valve)
S3 (if LV dysfunction)
List 3 signs of mitral valve prolapse
Mid-systolic click
Late systolic murmur
The click moves towards S1 when standing and away when lying down
What does an ECG look like in MR?
Acute: Normal/ sinus tachy/ AF
Chronic: broad p wave +/- p mitrale (atrial enlargement), AF
Describe the CXR findings in chronic MR
Decompensated MR + acute MR: signs of pulmonary congestion
Chronic: LA enlargement, Cardiomegaly (due to LV dilation)
What investigation is diagnostic of MR?
Allows assessment of LV ejection fraction + end-systolic dimension