Mitosis & Meosis Flashcards
3 phases of mitosis
cell grows and carries out its normal functions, replication of chromosomes
• In between stages of dividing
• G1-beginning cell growth
• S-DNA duplicates
• DNA is in form of chromatin
G2-cell undergoes its function
DNA condenses and becomes shorter and thicker
The nuclear membrane dissolves and disappears
The spindle fibers (which attach to the chromosomes during cell division) begin to form
Chromosomes line up in the middle of cell with the help of spindle fibres attached to the centromere of each replicated chromosomes (sisters chromatids)
Chromosomes split in middle (centromere divide)
Sister chromatods are puled by the spindle fibres to opposite poles of the cell
Chromosomes reach opposite poles of the cell and begin to unwind
Spindle fibres dissolve and nucleus membrane forms around chromosomes
Cytokinesis: rest of the cell divides
• The actual splitting of the cytoplasm and all organelles into 2 separate cells called daughter cells
• Occurs differently in both plants and animal cells
Each daughter cell is identical to the parent cell
- Sexual reproduction involves 2 parents
- Meiosis the formation of genetically diverse gametes (sex cells)
- Hereditary material is exchanged (mixed and transferred)
- Each species had a specific number of chromosomes
stages of meiosis
interphase prophase 1 metaphase 1 anaphase 1 telophase 1 prophase 2 metaphase 2 anaphase 2 telophase 2
interphase (meiosis)
At the end of interphase chromosomes have replicated
Chromatin begins to condense
prophase 1
Chromatin shorten to form chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes pair up (synapse) to form tetrads
metaphase 1
Homologous chromosomes line up randomly (in pairs) across equator of cell
Centromeres of chromosomes attach to spindle fibers
anaphase 1
Homologous chromosomes separate and move along spindle fibers towards poles of cell
telophase 1
Cell begins to divide into daughter cells
Each daughter cell can get any combo of maternal or paternal chromosomes
Cell has then divided into two daughter cells
prophase 2
Nuclear membrane dissolves
Spindle fibers begin to form again