Mitosis, Meiosis and Chromosomal Basis of Disease Flashcards
Cell Cycle Phases
G1- growth
S- synthesis (DNA replicates –> 2 sister chromatids attached at centromeres)
G2- growth/prep for mitosis
M- mitosis (meiosis in germ cells); cytokinesis
**Transitions regulated by cell cycle checkpoints
Stages of Mitosis
Prophase- chromosomes condense
Prometaphase- nuclear envelope breaks down and individual sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers
Metaphase- sister align in center of cell on metaphase plate
Anaphase- release of sister chromatid attachment and go to poles
Telophase- reform nuclear envelope and cytokinesis
Male v Female Meiosis
Male- prod 4 sperm AND germ cells dormant until puberty
Female- prod 1 egg and other 3 products are polar bodies AND female born w/ complete set of oocytes
How is variation in offspring ensured? (2 ways)
1- Independent assortment of chromosomes in Meiosis I
2- Crossing over in meiosis I (recombination)
When does crossover recombination occur?
Prophase of meiosis 1
Mechanism of crossover
- strands held together by synaptonemal complex
- Programmed dbl strand breaks THEN repaired by DNA damage repair pathway (use homolog as template)
Why is crossover so important to meiosis?
-Crossover is required to hold homologs together on meiosis I spindle so w/o crossover the homologs would separate independently (not split evenly into 2 daughters)
Nondisjunction (meiosis I and II)
- Generally… it is if chromosomes don’t segregate
- In Meiosis I… homologs do not separate –> 2 diploid gametes and 2 empty gametes
- In Meiosis II…sister chromatids do no separate –> 2 normal gametes, 1 diploid gamete and 1 empty gamete
What does 2 sister chromatids in same gamete indicate?
-Nondisjunction in Meiosis II
What does 2 homologs in same gamete indicate?
-Nondisjunction in Meiosis I
Balanced Carrier
-Have complete chromosomal complement (all the info) but 2 chromosomes are not homologous
(reciprocal exchange of material b/n 2 non-homologous chromosomes)
-Not harmful to individual but will lead to problems when they go to have children
3 Types of Translocations
1-Alternate –> 2 good gametes (1 normal 1 balanced carrier)
2-Adjacent –> 2 bad gametes
**Dep how the quadrivalent segregates
** So 2/3 chance infertility in balanced carriers
3- Robertsonian - fusion of small acrocentric chromosomes
How do chromosomal insertions and deletions arise?
- Usually unequal crossing over in areas of REPEATS
- Also if balanced carrier of inversions and translocations has kids (adjacent translocation)
**If deletion…only the portion of chromosome w/ centromere will be stably inherited
How does triploidy occur?
-2 sperms fertilize 1 egg
2 Types Inversions
1- pericentric - include centromere (so easier to see b/c change in relative position of centromere)
2- paracentric - only on one arm (ID by changes in chromosomal landmarks)
**Paracentric more deleterious b/c lead to chromosomes breaking (broken chromosomes can then fuses to other parts of genome which wreaks havoc)
Inversion Loops
- Formed when the unbalanced gametes of a inversion heterozygote carrier go to make chromosome pairs
- Either the normal DNA or the inverted DNA can end up w/in the loop (if inverted part in loop it does not participate in recombination BUT if normal gene in loop and inverted DNA outside loop…inverted DNA undergoes recombination –> deleterious effects)
- mirror image of one chromosome arm w/ concomitant loss of other arm
- result in unbalanced karyotype w/ partial monosomy and partial trisomy
Marker Chromosomes
- small unidentified chromosomal fragments seen in chromosome preparations
- seen in additional to normal complement of chromosomes (“supernumerary chromosomes”)
- not sure what their phenotypic consequence is
- Usually unstable b/c no centromeres but some mitotically stable
Ring Chromosomes
- Type of marker chromosome where extra DNA has fused into circle
- Result of 2 dbl strand breaks in chromosome OR telomere dysfunction that is healed by nonhomologous end joining
- Usually only in some cells b/c not mitotically stable