Mission Flashcards
Why is mission at the heart of Christian identity?
Jesus’ last instruction was to ‘make disciples of all nations’
Explain mission as evangelism
Trying to persuade other people to become Christians
Biblical example of mission as evangelism
St Paul travelled around the Mediterranean, visiting synagogues and communities of people who did not know about Christianity, to tell them about Jesus Christ and often persuading them to join the community of Christians.
What did the Church Missionary Society do?
Sent missionaries to parts of the world where the majority of people were not Christians.
Got to know the local people and learnt their languages, and offered health and social care as well as sharing their faith. Set up churches and trained local people to be ministers.
Set up schools so children were raised and educated as Christians.
What did The Evangelical Alliance Mission do?
Qualified doctors, nurses, pharmacists and teachers set up and staffed churches, hospitals and schools in countries where Christianity was not the local religion.
Openly share evangelical beliefs and encourage local people to attend their church services to learn about Christianity.
What is the Alpha Course?
Encourages members of the church to bring friends.
10 weekly sessions - share a meal, listen to a talk about the Christian faith and discussed it.
Biblical example of mission to the poor and disadvantaged
When Paul travelled round his new churches, he collected money from them to help support the members of the church in Jerusalem.
What did the Children’s Society do?
Fed, clothed and provided homes for homeless children after the Industrial Revolution.
Helped young people deal with illness, stress and poverty.
Worked for social justice for poor and disadvantaged young people.
What does Christian Aid do?
Provide aid to less economically developed countries to improve the standard of living.
Provide emergency aid after major disasters.
What does the Church Urban Fund do?
Provides financial and practical support to churches and communities in poor urban areas to improve the quality of life of local people.
What is mission to the Christian community?
The church has a duty to care for faithful Christians in their own communities.
What was the mission of the church at the start of the 21st century? (Christian community)
To provide facilities and staff for worship and religious instruction.
What was the mission of the church in the 19th century? (Christian community)
Build new churches.
Provide financial help and social care.
Raise money and train recruit and train clergy.
What were Local Ecumenical Partnerships?
When different denominations agreed to share facilities and work together to serve the local community.
What was Fresh Expressions?
A way to take Christianity to people where they are.
Focused on the interests and concerns of the people in the congregation.
Fits in around the times that people are there, rather than having services at traditional times on a Sunday.