Missing Persons Flashcards
Considerations when there are Fears for Safety?
Z one of safety (can they manage
surroundings? What is the usual
usual area they are familiar with?)
A ge (small children, elderly)
C ircumstances =
S uspicious
U nusual
D angerous
What is the definition of a missing person?
R eported to Police as missing
U whereabouts Unknown
F ears for the safety, or concern for
welfare of that person
What are the categories of missing Persons?
V oluntary ( runnaways, people who remove themselves from situations for personal reasons Eg. Spousal desertion, debt avoidance)
I involuntary (kidnapping, murder, child abduction in custody disputes or criminal purposes people suffering from Dementia, mental health or intellectual disability
L ost ( lost at sea, lost in bush, lost Lost in car accidents.)
O verseas ( people missing over-
seas reported by people in NZ,
Foreign nationals missing in NZ
reported from outside NZ
What does a Missing Person’s File contain?
- File Coversheet
- Police Report (Pol 258)
- Missing Person Report ( Pol 62
Part A) - Job sheets/ Statements
- File Reviews ( Pol 62, Part B)
Computer printouts (the record/ alerts)
The Missing Person Report (Pol 62) is an integral part of the file and should be kept at the front and scanned into the electronic version of the file.
What are the 3 important points you must consider when starting a missing persons enquiry?
G- gather all the relevant info.
A- asses possible risks to person
P- pay attention to detail