Missed Questions: Surgical Pathology Flashcards
Young patient with Li-Fraumeni and distal femur lesion on radiography.

- Cells with malignant features (e.g. nuclear membrane irregularities, marked nuclear size differences, mitoses) surrounded by delicate strands of osteoid.
- Osteoid on H&E: pink, homogenous, “glassy”.
- Tumours typically very cellular - when compared to normal bone.
- +/-Large (multinucleated) osteoclast-like giant cells.
- DDx:
- Chondrosarcoma.
- Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, mixed connective tissue type.
- Others.
Mass on back of middle aged male.

Spindle Cell Lipoma
- Aligned bland spindled cells adjacent to fat.
- Rope-like collagen bundles - key feature.
- May be described as “shreaded wheat”.
- +/-Myxoid component.
- +/-Staghorn-like vessels.
- Notes:
- May overlap with pleomorphic lipoma.
- DDx:
- Neurofibroma.
- Spindle cell liposarcoma - extremely rare.
- Myxoid liposarcoma
- Has lipoblasts and prominent plexiform vascular pattern

GI biopsy. What is the molecular aberation in this lesion?

Microsatellite Instability (MLH1) (Sessile Serrated Adenoma)
- Other molecular aberations seen include BRAF and excessive methylation (CpG Island Methlator Phenotype; CIMP)
- Serrated epithelium at the surface and deep in the crypts.
- Saw-tooth appearance, epithelium has jagged appearing edge.
- Crypt dilation at base with serrations - key feature.
- Very common – anecdotally the most sensitive feature.
- “Boot”-shape or “L”-shaped glands.
- Shape may be similar to a hockey stick.
- Horizontal crypts = crypt long axis parallel to the muscularis mucosae.
- Crypt branching.
- Submucosal lipoma or pseudolipoma is often seen in associated with SSA.
- Perineuriomas are also seen in a small proportion of cases
- Minimal extent criteria - number of abnormal crypts with the above features:
- German Society of Pathology proposal: at least two abnormal crypts – crypts do not have to be adjacent.
- An expert panel lead by Rex states that one unequivocally altered crypt should prompt calling SSA.
- The 4th edition of the WHO blue book requires - depending on what you read:
- Three adjacent crypts to be abnormal.
- Two or three adjacent crypts to be abnormal.
- The 5th edition is likely to make a single crypt sufficient for diagnosis.
What are the three (3) most common translocations and gene-fusions associated with Ewings Sarcoma/PNET?
- t(11;22)(q24;212) : EWSR1-FLI1
- t(21;22)(q22;q12) : ESWR1-ERG
- t(7;22)(p22;q12) : EWSR1-ETV1
Abdominal mass in adolescent male.
What is are the two (2) most common translocations and gene fusions associated with this lesion?
t(11;22)(p13;q12) : EWSR1 - WT1
t(21;22)(q22;q12) : EWSR1 - ERG
(Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor)
Young male kicked in the knee. Swelling did not subside after several weeks. Radiology demonstrated a mass and a biopsy was taken.
What are the most common translocation and gene fusion associated with this tumor?
t(X; 18)(p11; q11) : SS18 - SSX1 SS18-
t(X; 18)(p11; q11) : SSX2 SS18 - SSX4
(Synovial Sarcoma)
- Comes in three (histologic) flavours:
- Spindle cell sarcoma (monophasic) with features of hemangiopericytoma, i.e. staghorn vessels.
- Biphasic synovial sarcoma:
- Spindle cells with features of hemangiopericytoma.
- Epitheliod glands or nests.
- Primitive round cell type.
- Features:
- Herring bone or vesicular pattern - key feature.
- Spindle cells.
- +/-Glandular component - typically more pink.
- +/-Calcification - uncommon.
- Extensive calcification = better prognosis.[5]
- DDx:
- Can be difficult.
- IHC (positive):
- Vimentin +ve.
- EMA +ve.
- BCL2 +ve.
- CD99 +ve.
- Others:
- Beta-catenin +ve ~30-70%.
- Cyclin D1 ~50%.
- TLE1 +ve nuclear staining; not specific for synovial sarcoma.
- Molecular:
- t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2).[14]
- SYT/SSX fusion gene.
- Several SSX genes - cannot be differentiated with standard karyotyping:
- SSX1.
- SSX2 - better survival, rarely seen in biphasic tumours.
- SSX4 - uncommon.
- t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2).[14]
60 year old female with AUB and pelvic mass on imaging.
IHC: CD10 +, H-Caldesmon -
What is the most common translocation and gene fusion for this lesion?

t(7; 17)(p15; q21) : JAZF1 - SUZ12
(Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma)
- Highly cellular islands with a wavy irregular border.
- Border has finger-like projections/tongue-like projections.
- Benign uterine smooth muscle between islands of tumour cells.
- Epithelioid cells.
- High NC ratio.
- Thin blood vessels within islands of cells.
- Tumour cells pallisade around the vessels.
- Notes:
- Vaguely resembles the stroma of proliferative endometrium.
- Low mitotic rate - predictive of good outcome.
- DDx:
- Leiomyoma.
- Endometrial stromal nodule (no LVI and interface may not have more than three (3) finger-like projections that are >/= 3mm).
- Uterine leiomyosarcoma.
- Undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma (previously known as high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma) - necrosis and nuclear atypia.
- Uterine tumour resembling an ovarian sex cord stromal tumour.
Young male with persistent, slow-growing nodular mass on trunk.
What is the most common translocation and gene fusion associated with this lesion?
t(17; 22)(q22; q13) : COL1A1 - PDGFB
(Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans [DFSP])
- Dermal spindle cell lesion with storiform pattern.
- Spokes of the wheel-pattern.
- Contains adipose tissue within the tumour – key feature.
- Described as “honeycomb pattern” and “Swiss cheese pattern”.
- Notes:
- Adnexal structure within tumour are preserved – this is unusual for a malignant tumour – important.
- DDx:
- Dermatofibroma - main DDx - has entrapment of collagen bundles at the edge of the lesion.
- Dermatomyofibroma.
- Nodular fasciitis.
- DDx of storiform pattern:
- Dermatofibroma.
- Solitary fibrous tumour.
- Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma.
- Subtypes:
- Pigmented DFSP (Bednar tumour).
- Myxoid DFSP.
- Myoid DFSP.
- Granular cell DFSP.
- Sclerotic DFSP.
- Atrophic DFSP,
- Giant cell fibroblastoma.
- DFSP with fibrosarcomatous areas.
- IHC:
- CD34 +ve.
- Usually negative in dermatofibroma.
- Factor XIIIa -ve.
- Usually positive in dermatofibroma.
- S-100 -ve (screen for melanoma).
- Caldesmin -ve (screen for muscle differentiation).
- CD34 +ve.

Cervical Biopsy. Diagnosis?
Endocervical Adenocarcinoma, gastric-type
- Well-formed glands lined by cells with voluminous clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm and distinct cell borders.
- Not HPV associated.
- Lack high mitotic rate and apoptotic bodies (contrary to HPV associated adenocarcinomas).
- IHC:
- CEA +
- p16 - (usually, esp. in low grade)
- ER -
Picture: A, curetting of low grade gastric type adenocarcinoma of cervix. B, focal CDX2 positivity. C and D, negative for ER and p16, resp.
What are the two (2) most common translocations and gene fusions associated with this uncommon soft tissue tumor?

t(12;22)(q13;q12) : EWSR1 - ATF1
t(2;22)(q33;q12) : EWSR1 - CREB1
(Clear Cell Sarcoma)
- Architecture: sheeting or fascicular (bundles) arrangement.
- Fibrous septae - between tumour cells.
- Tumour cells uniform (low pleomorphism) - spindle-shaped or epithelioid:
- Classically have clear cytoplasm.
- Prominent nucleoli - basophilic - key feature.
- +/-Binucleation.
- DDx:
- Malignant melanoma.
- PEComa.
- Carcinoma.
What are the two (2) most common translocations and gene fusions of this extraskeletal lesion, arising in the soft tissue of an adult forearm?
t(9;22)(q22;q12) : EWSR1 - NR4A3
t(9;17)(q22;q11) : TAF2NNR4A3
(Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma)
- Microscopic: Features:
- Chordoma-like:
- Myxoid background.
- Small cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm.
- Chordoma-like:
- DDx:
- Chondroid syringoma - These are dermal based, circumscribed and much smaller.
- Parachordoma.
- Chordoma. (???)
- Myxoid liposarcoma.
- Metastatic myxoid carcinoma.
Kidney tumor in young child.
What is the translocation and gene fusion associated with this tumor?

t(12;15)(p13;q25) : ETV6 - NTRK3
(Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma)
- General
- Almost exclusively in infants.
- Subclassified:
- Classic.
- Cellular.
- Mixed.
- Gross
- Renal sinus infiltration - common.
- Microscopic
- Classic
- Spindle cells in fascicles.
- Infiltrative border.
- Cellular
- Plump cells with vesicular nuclei.
- Well-defined border.
- Mitotically active.
- Mixed
- Like the name implies - both classic pattern and cellular pattern areas are present.
- Classic
*BELOW: cellular variant

Mesenteric lesion in the region of the small bowel in a young adult; SMA +.
What are the two (2) most common translocations and gene fusions?

t(1;2)(q25;q23) : TPM3 - ALK
t(2;19)(q23;q13) : TPM4 - ALK
(Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor)
10 year old male who was kicked in the knee 6 months ago. Continued swelling and pain. Diagnosis?
- Abundant extracellular material - pink on H&E stain - looks vaguely like cartilage.
- Sometimes described as ‘immature cartilage’ (very narrow DDX for this type of cartilage)
- Chondroblasts:
- Nuclear morphology variable: ovoid, folded or grooved.
- Moderate-abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.
- +/-Calcification surrounds the cell nests (“chickenwire” appearance) - classic feature.
- Cell nests have a thin pale blue rimming.
- +/-Giant cells.
- May lead to confusion with giant cell tumour of bone.
- Not infrequently associated with an aneurysmal bone cyst (33%).
- DDx:
- Giant cell tumour of bone.
- Chondroma.
- Well-differentiated chondrosarcoma.
- Chondromyxoid fibroma - also has ‘immature cartilage’
- Aneurysmal bone cyst - dont forget that these may be secondary to another lesion.
- IHC:
- S100 +ve
- Vimentin +ve
Postmenopausal female w/ endometrial polyp. Diagnosis?

Clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium
- Features:
- Clear cells - with moderate nuclear pleomorphism - key feature.
- Classically clear cells… but not always.
- Hobnail pattern – apical cytoplasm > cytoplasm on basement membrane.
- Usually tubular/cystic, may be solid or papillary.
- Papillae may be pseudopapillae – with edema instead of vessels.
- Notes:
- May have psammoma bodies - esp. in papillary area; may lead to confusion with serous carcinoma.
- DDx:
- Serous endometrial carcinoma - usually has more nuclear pleomorphism, esp. cell size variation.
- High grade endometrioid endometrial carcinoma - have non-clear areas.
- Arias-Stella reaction - esp. in the context of pregnancy.
- Papillary cystadenoma - benign; bland nuclei.
- DDx weird stuff:
- PEComa.
- Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma.
- IHC:
- p53 - (unlike uterine serous carcinoma)
- ER -
- PR -
45 year old male with headache. Brain bx.

- Common CNS infection: granular appearing ball ~ 2x the size of resting lymphocyte.
- Toxoplasma gondii - pathogenic; causes toxoplasmosis.
- Protozoa.
- A TORCH infection.
- Microscopic:
- Tachyzoites (Invasive form):
- Crescent-shaped organisms that are 2-3μm wide by 4-8μm long.
- Bradyzoites:
- Are founded within the tissue cysts and are shorter than tachyzoites.
- Oocysst:
- Ovoid shape that measures 10μm to 12μm and contains four sporozoites.
- Tachyzoites (Invasive form):
- Histopathological features depend on location in body.
What ‘category’ would you place this dermatitis into?
What is a good Ddx for this category?
Vacuolar Interface Dermatitis (Graft vs. Host Disease)
- DDx:
- Erythema multiforme.
- Lichen sclerosus.
- Fixed drug eruption.
- Others:
- Graft versus host disease.
- Dermatomyositis.
- Systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Morbillifrom viral exanthem.
- Additional:
- Phototoxic dermatitis.
- Acute radiation dermatitis.
- Erythema multiforme-like drug eruption.
- Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus.
- Erythema dyschromicum perstans (ashy dermatosis).
- Super lame mnemonic Danny G & SLE:
- Dermatomyositis, GVHD, SLE, Lichen sclerosus, Erythema multiforme.
Renal biopsy in a chronically ill patient. Diagnosis?

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
- General:
- Presents as nephrotic syndrome.
- Does not respond to steroids (unlike MCD).
- Usually less rapid onset than MCD.
- Fibrosis usually takes some time.
- Etiology
- Primary:
- Mutations in the podocin gene NPHS2
- Other mutations: ACTN4, TRPC6, CD2AP
- May be familial.
- Primary:
- Secondary:
- HIV, parvovirus B19.
- Drug use.
- Reduced renal mass.
- Notes:
- Primary FSGS needs ~70-80% foot process effacement.
- Microscopic Features:
- Partial sclerosis of less than 50% of glomeruli.
- +/-Adhesions between the glomerular tuft and Bowman’s capsule.
- +/-Glomerular enlargement.
- DDx:
- Minimal change disease.
- C1q nephropathy.
Sexually active middle aged male. Frequent marijuana smoker. What is the diagnosis and what is the etiology?

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Basaloid Variant
Caused by high risk HPV (16/18/31/etc)
- The pathologic features of HPV-positive tumours are different from HPV-negative tumours in the following:
- They are not associated with surface dysplasia or keratinisation.
- They exhibit lobular growth.
- They have infiltrating lymphocytes.
- Basaloid variants are common.
- HPV-positive tumours are usually well differentiated and the basaloid tumours have good prognosis
- Marijuana use is an independent risk factor for HPV-related head and neck SCC, possibly due to its immunomodulatory effects
What stromal breast lesions are CD34+?
- Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia (PASH)
- Phyllodes tumor
- Fibroadenoma
Submitted as “Products of Conception”.
Very Early Complete Hydatidiform Mole
- Variation in villous size
- Subtle scalloping with bulbus projections
- Marked stromal cellularity and rare cisterns

10 year old male with pain and swelling of forearm. BTE resection performed.
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
- Destructive, expansile benign neoplasm of bone characterized by multiloculated, blood-filled cystic spaces
- Microscopic Features:
- Bony trabeculae or osteoid tissue.
- Osteoclast giant cells.
- Multi-nucleated giant-cells with round randomly arranged nuclei.
- Benign spindle cells (fibroblasts) - surround bone/adjacent to the giant cells - important.
- Blood +/- surrounded by giant cells.
- DDx:
- Giant cell tumour of bone - the nuclei of the cells surrounding the giant cells are similar to those in the giant cells (round nuclei).
- Telangiectatic osteosarcoma.
- Other giant cell lesions.

58 year old homeless male with nephropathy and yellowed skin.
Needle core biopsy - Diagnosis?

Hepatitis B
- Lobular inflammation - this is non-specific finding.
- Hepatocyte necrosis:
- Necrotic hepatocytes look a lot like neutrophils - however:
- Cytoplasm is more pink.
- Round apoptotic bodies.
- Necrotic hepatocytes look a lot like neutrophils - however:
- Hepatocyte necrosis:
- Ground glass hepatocytes - important.
- DDx:
- Hepatitis C.
- Autoimmune hepatitis.
- Primary biliary cirrhosis without granulomas.
- Drug reaction.
- Pseudo-Lafora bodies in patients on disulfiram (anatabuse) can result in ground glass hepatocytes.
- Associated pathology
- Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN).
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
- Membranous nephropathy.
- Cirrhosis.
- Hepatocellular carcinoma.