Misdials & Misc Flashcards
What must be heard to close down a call as a misdial?
The caller must clearly state that the call was accidental in some way.
What things should you be suspicious about on an “apparent” misdial?
Changes in voice
Background noise
What is the misdial command?
What 3 stages are there to ending a misdial?
Requesting the caller to end the call
Offering to end the call
Ending the call
What process is followed with automated calls?
Treat the call as real.
Speak the initial mandatory expressions.
If no response after 15 seconds close down as a misdial.
Only if you’re 100% sure.
How are dial up tones processed?
Speak the initial mandatory expressions.
If no response connect to the police.
If the line clears close down at NRE CWS
What is the process if the customer states they want to cancel the call?
Confirm that the caller no longer requires the EA.
Type why into the notes and ask them to end the call.
Close down with F2+E+Enter
When would you still connect a customer cancel call?
When the customer is unsure.
When there is suspicion about the call.
What is the process for a represented EA call?
Respond with mandatory phrase up to two times.
If no response close down tih F1 and F2+L
What is the process for a represented caller?
Follow mandatory expression through.
Alt+G if no response.
Reconnect as standard with a verbal handover stating the call is being reconnected.
What is the multiple EA mandatory expression?
Liverpool connecting a multiple request for (EA) and (EA)
On a multiple request call if there is a delay what can you do?
Ask the customer if they would like you to attempt the other EA first
What must you do on a multiple EA call if verbal handover is not achieved?
Monitor the call until the caller and EA confirm the other service is required or until the call ends.
If call ends contact the other EA and pass the details
On a limited service call what can you request if there is a delay?
The customers telephone number
Why is RCC ignored on a limited service call?
Because it is flagging for the dummy number not the callers number
What must you do on an extension call?
Confirm caller location
“Are you calling from…?”
On a foreign mobile what must the handover include?
The full telephone number and statement that the call is from a foreign mobile
On a foreign mobile call how can the webMLG data be accessed?
If not showing as normal, by copying the caller number, less on 0, into the search field
What is the emergency gas procedure?
Gas thank you
F5 to leave call as soon as first ring is heard
What is the process for a younger or older child call?
Follow mandatory phrases.
Met auto at 30 seconds
Alt+G and NRM if nothing heard
If the call clears at first expression clear with F12
What are critical call?
Calls where a person’s life is in grave and imminent danger
What types of issues may constitute a critical call?
Stroke, heart attack, struggling to breathe, mass loss of blood, stabbing, shooting, drowning, suicide
What is the procedure for a critical call?
Call through to EA
Type crit in notes
If no answer after first couple of rings
Alert chargeship.
Follow chargeship instructions
What must you do on extension calls?
Confirm the callers location
What is the repeat call counter procedure?
Pass to EA as normal if a direct request is made.
Otherwise choose silent repeat caller from the menu (F2+I)
Click the green box
Connect and provide verbal handover.
What is the vulnerable caller procedure?
Connect through to the police with a verbal handover no matter what, even if another service is requested.
What is the ford vehicle emergency call procedure?
Let the automated speech play out
Select F2+F
Following expectations, Connect if a direct request is made.
Else, F2+E+F and connect to police with a verbal handover.
Do you connect a ford emergency call that clears without speech?
Apple automated call procedure?
Wait for the speech to end
Use first expressions
Connect to the police if no response and provide a verbal handover.
Connect as normal if direct request made
What is the procedure for a crackly noisy 112 call?
First expressions
F2+E+1 (112 Noisy)
Read expressions once
At 30 seconds disconnect
F2+E+11 (112 Faulty)
What is the procedure for a 112 call that presents with complete silence?
Read first expressions
F2+E+111 (112 silent)
Play the Metauto at 30 seconds
Alt+G when told to release.
F2+E+11 (112 Faulty)
What is the procedure for a 112 call where there is normal background noise?
First expressions.
Follow silent landline procedures.
Read through expressions.
If like is still open, connect at 45 with silent handover.
If line is closed, CWS at 45.
If handset goes down a second time CWS
What is the handover for a 112 Noisy call that has been connected without request?
Liverpool ADVISING of a 112 call from…
It is not clear whether there is an emergency or the line is faulty.
What is the process if the zone code is inadequate?
Delete and re input the first 0 of the caller number
If still not working
Add No zone/false zone to the notes
Delete zone code if present
Request callers location
F2+D and input location
Normal location differs handover
5151 report to be done to report zone code error
What is the Skype call procedure?
Same as VoIP
Confirm location
Use dummy location if needed
Verbal handover
What is the procedure for an automatic alarm?
Listen to the recording.
Check the address if available.
Connect to requested service
With “Liverpool connecting”
Note ALM in notes
Split the line if the address is different.
What is the picocell procedure?
Mobile procedure
What is unusual with a picocell call?
Mobile number with an address
What is a do not disturb call?
When an EA calls us to connect through to a phone with Do Not Disturb settings on.
What is the abusive caller procedure?
If abuse directed at operator
F12 if line clears
Else connect to police with a handover
Complete an abusive caller report on Citrix
What is the procedure if the caller says “Banking Protocol”?
First 2 expressions and connect to police with handover if no direct request.
If direct request connect without handover
What are the 4 non straightforward 4 relay UK calls and what procedure is followed?
Text phone w/no direct request - connect to police
Txt phone w/a cleared line - connect to police
No txt phone w/an open line - silent procedure
No txt phone w/line cleared - cws
How are PSAP calls processed?
If UK EA, alert chargeship of request.
If foreign EA follow LD procedure
What is the process for a video relay call?
Enter reference number in the notes
Town to number translation
Complete once all parties are communicating
What is the process for a silent video relay?
F2+C town to number translation
Monitor throughout.
What is the process for a non emergency video replay?
Connect as normal, as the non emergency operator may not have the facility to handle video relay calls