Misdemeandor Flashcards
Failure to report as a mandated reporter in an incident of known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect
6 months in confinement
$1,000 fine
Failure to report as a mandated reporter in elderly abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial abuse or neglect
6 months in county jail
Failure to report as a mandated reporter of an elder that lead to death or great bodily injury
1 year in county jail
Display a cancelled, revoked, suspended or fraudulently altered license
Display fictitious license or any document simulating a license or purporting (claim) to be or have issued as a license
Lends his/her license to any other person or knowingly permits the use thereof (of that) by another
Person A let Person B use Person A’s license
Display any license not issued to him or her as being his or her license
Person A displays Person B’s license as their own
Fails or refuse to surrender to the issuing authority upon its lawful written demand any license, registration, permit or certificate which has been suspended, revoked, or canceled
Knowingly permits any unlawful use of a license issued to him/her
Reproduces any license or copies that could be mistaken for a valid license unless authorized
Buys or receives or fraudulent, forged, or counterfeited license knowing that it is fraudulent, forged or counterfeited
Allows his or her license to be used by another; acts as his or her agent or partner
Violates the security of the examination materials by removing, unauthorized reproduction, paying or using professional or paid examination takers for purpose to reconstructing the exam, obtaining exam questions, selling, distributing, buying, receiving, or having unauthorized possession of any exams
Misdemeanor; $10,000
Communicating with another examinee during the exam, copying answers from another, permitting one’s answer to be copied, having possession during the exam or impersonating any examinee
Misdemeanor; $10,000
Any person engages in repeated acts or clearly excessive prescribing or administering of drugs or treatment
60 ~ 180 days in jail
$100 to $600
Violates Chapter 7: Optometry (BPC 3000 to BPC 3120)
10 days to 1 year in jail
$100 to $1,500
Spreading of any form of public communication containing false, fraudulent, misleading or deceptive statement, claim or image for the purpose of or likely to induce, directly or indirectly, the making of professional services or furnishing of products in connection with the professional practice or business for which his or her is licensed
Violates advertising practices
False advertising in general
6 months in county jail
Offer, deliver, receipt, or acceptance by any person licensed of any rebate, refund, commission, preference, patronage dividend, discount or other consideration, whether in the form of money or otherwise, as compensation or inducement for referring patients, clients, or customers to any person, regardless of any membership, proprietary interest or co-ownership
6 months in county jail
Licensee to refer a person for laboratory, diagnostic nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, physical therapy, physical rehabilitation, psychometric testing, home infusion therapy, or diagnostic imaging goods or services if the licensee or his or her immediate family has a financial interest with the person or in the entity that receives the referral
A person to operate a group advertising and referral services for dentists without providing its name and address to the Dental Board of California
Optometrist having any membership, proprietary interest, co-ownership, or any profit sharing arrangement, either by stock ownership, interlocking directors, trusteeship, mortgage, or trust deed, with any registered dispensing optician or any optical company
Registered dispensing optician or an optical company operate, own or have ownership interest in a health plan directly employ optometrist to provide optometric services directly to enrollees of the health plan, directly or indirectly provide products and services to the health plan or its contracted providers or enrollees or to other optometrists
Optometrist serving as a clinical director employ optometrist to provide health care services to entrollee of health plan
Registered dispensing optician or optical company interfere with the professional judgment of the optometrist
Violation of
The practice shall be owned by the optometrist and with exclusive control including selection and supervision of optometric staff, scheduling of patients, amount of time the optometrist spends with patients, fees charged for optometric products and services, the examination procedure and treatment provided to patients and the optometrist’s contracting with managed care organizations
Violation of
Optometrist’s records shall be sole property of the optometrist
Violation of
Optometrist’s leased space shall be definite and distinct from space occupied by other occupants of the premises with a designated sign. Also the space has to be accessible to the optometrist after hours or in case of emergency
Violation of displaying a sign on the premises or in any advertisement indicating the optometrist is employed or controlled by the registered dispensing optician, health plan or optical company
Registered dispensing optician or optical company link its advertising with the optometrist’s name, practice or fees
A health plan advertise the optometrist’s fees for products and services that are not included in the health plan’s contract with the optometrist
Distributors, dispensers, manufacturers, laboratories, optometrists, or ophthalmologists selling, dispensing, or furnishing any prescription ophthalmic device that does not meet the minimum standards set by the State Department of Public Health, the State Board of Optometry, or the Medical Board of California
Misdemeanor; disciplinary action