Marketing Flashcards
Is it unlawful for a practitioner to act on any form of public communication that is false/misleading/deceptive info in connection with the practice?
What are considered false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive statement?
- Misrepresentation of fact
- Mislead due to failure to disclose material facts
- Create false expectations of favorable results
- Use image without clearly stating in a prominent locations in easily and readable
- Use image depict the result of procedure of “before” and “after”; needs to report the result may not occur in all patients
- Fees without fully disclosing all factors
- Making scientific claim that cannot be substantiated by reliable studies
- Failure to disclose material facts
Should the price advertisement include these phrases? “as low as”, “and up”, “lowest prices”?
A practitioner can accept compensation in a representative of press, radio, or tv?
T/F Can use any card, office sign, letterhead, directory listing, medical list, or others to claim false, fraudulent, misleading
What is it when one violates advertisement practices?
Misdemeanor; suspension of license
What should an advertisement include?
- Name of practitioner
- Address and phone number of offices
- Office hours
- Languages other than English
- Statement of certification
- Statement of practitioner under private/public insurance or health care plan
- Statement of names of the clinical programs the practitioner graduated from
- Statement of publications
- Statement of teaching positions
- Statement of affiliations with hospitals/clinics
- Statement of charges/fees of services offered by the practitioner
- Statement of the practitioner regularly accepts installment payment of fees
- Lawful image of a practitioner
- Statement of commodities advertised
- Statement of a registered dispensing opticians
- Statement of public health info encouraging preventative care
- Any other factual info
What can the statement of certification include?
Certification by a private or public board or parent association recognized by that practitioner’s licensing board
What is it when one committed false advertisement?
Misdemeanor and imprisonment of 6 months or fine 2,500 dollars or both
What is the result when one sends a solicitor to house to house?
Revoke/suspend license
Which title can an optometrist can use?
The use of Dr. with optometrist at the end
Use O.D. after practitioner’s name
Can an optometrist claim oneself a specialist in eye disease/treatment?
What can happen if one stated having special knowledge of optometry?
Revoke/suspend of license
What can happen when someone claim oneself as an optometrist without a valid unrevoke license?
It is unlawful
T/F It is unlawful to advertise free services with payment or exchange of consideration of goods/services, unless it is fully disclosed in the same advertisement
T/F It is unlawful to advertise sale/disposition of eye protective devices with a tendency to advertise the practice
Can a licensed optometrist advertise practice of optometry?
Hiring “cappers” or “steerers” is unprofessional conduct
No one should convey the impression of exceptional proficiency in skills or use any procedures that is superior/safer than others
All advertising must clearly and prominently identify the individual optometrist
What should be met when an optometrist rent/leases practices?
- Owned by the optometrist
- Patient records are sole property of the optometrist and free from unlicensed person
- Every effort to provide emergency referrals
- Space needs to be apart from other places
- Cannot have “optical department” “optometrical department” “optical shoppe”
- No linking of optometrist’s name with commercial leasing space
During school hours, within ____ hour before time opening and within _____ hour after the time of school closing shall not be solicited on school premises.
1; 1
The exception of solicitation on school premises is?
Nonpartisan, charitable organization by an act of congress or approved by the county board of education or the school district.
Optometrist who provide _______ vision testing program on school premises shall not solicit/advise treatment/consultation to a pupil, pupil’s parent/guardian. during the course of vision testing
Optometrist cannot use voluntary vision testing program for the generation of _______ or ______
Referrals; financial benefit