Miscellanious Flashcards
Gustav Fechner
Absolute Threshold; bare minimum to detect stimuli 50% of time
Ernst Weber
Weber’s Law; JND bare minimum 50% of time to detect change in stimuli
William Dament
coined phrase Rapid Eye Movement (REM sleep)
John Allan Hobson & Robert McCarley
Activation synthesis; dreams are random firing of neurons; logical parts of brain shut down; increased emotions and release of chemicals = dillusions
Franz Anton Mesmer
passing a force called animal magnetism into another’s body; early hypnosis
Ernest R. Hilgard
“hidden observers”; patients don’t feel pain or discomfort
One exception to stimulus contiguity
Michael Domjan
Using ecologically relevant neutral stimulus, creates a stronger association than irrelevant NS
Joseph Wolpe
Systematic Desensitization-used for anxiety disorders
Threat Management-
Dream about dangers, and how to react
Breland & Breland
Instinctive Drift
Born traits can’t be unlearned
Law of effect- reward leads to + or - in behavior
Also called instrumental learning
Latent Learning- learning by making a cognitive map
Predictable amount of CS, when being paired
Craick & Lockhart
3 levels of encoding
- structural
- Phonemic
- Semantic
Allen Paivio
Dual Encoding Theory- more likely to remember if we know what it looks like and means
Frederic Bartlett
Reconstructive nature of memory by replacing what you don’t know with mental schemas
Hermann Ebbinghaus
The forgetting curve based on nonsense syllables
Endel Tulving
Split declarative memory
- episodic
- semantic
Ellen Winner
Work with the profoundly gifted children ( over 180 in IQ)
Nelson Cowan & George Miller
Working memory equals short term memory
Cowan is up to 4 things + or -
George is 7 things + or - 2
Wilder Penfield
Electrically stimulated temporal lobe on the left side to bring back memories of the central stream
Elizabeth Loftus
Misinformation effect- the way someone is asked influences their response
M. Johnson
Source monitoring-where exactly the source comes from
Reality monitoring-actual or not real whether it’s made up or no