Miscellaneous Flashcards
How do you calculate a normal A-a Gradient for an individual?
(Age/4) + 4
What is the calculation for A-a gradient?
A-a = [FiO2*(Patm - PH2O) - PaCO2/R)] - PaO2
FiO2* (Patm-PH2O) = 150
R = 0.8
What are two general categories that cause a normal A-a gradient?
Normal A-a = Normal gas exchange.
1) Hypoventilation
(2) Low Inspired O2 (altitude
What are the 3 general categories that cause a widened A-a gradient?
(1) V/Q Mismatch
(2) Shunt
(3) Diffusion Abnormality (ILD)
How do you tell the difference between V/Q mismatch and shunt?
A V/Q mismatch improves with 100% FiO2 whereas a shunt will not completely improve.
What are the requirements for home oxygen in Ontario?
(1) PaO2 < 55
(2) SaO2 < 88%
(3) PaO2 55-59 WITH
- Cor pulmonale
- pulmonary HTN
- Persistent Erythrocytosis
What is the metabolic compensation for acute respiratory acidosis?
For every 10 rise in CO2, there is a rise in HCO3 by 1.
What is the expected metabolic compensation for chronic respiratory acidosis?
For every 10 point increase in PaCO2, we expect at 3-4 point rise in HCO3
What is the expected metabolic compensation in acute respiratory alkalosis?
For every 10 point fall in CO2, we expect a fall in HCO3 by 2
What is the expected metabolic compensation in chronic respiratory alkalosis?
For every 10 point fall in PaCO2, we expect HCO3 to fall by 5.
What is the definition of massive hemoptysis?
Variable ~200-600 cc/24 hours
When do solid lung nodules < 6 mm need follow up?
ONLY if the patient is high risk, should do a follow up CT at 12 months if single or multiple nodules
For multiple solid lung nodules > 6 mm, what is the recommended follow up?
CT at 3-6 months, then (“consider of for low risk”) at 18-24 months for all.
What are the follow up recommendations for SINGLE lung nodules that are 6-8mm in size?
CT at 6-12 months in both high and low risk patients, then a CT in follow up at 18-24 months (“consider in low risk”)
How do you follow up solid lung nodules > 8 mm in size?
Consider CT at 3 months, PET/CT or tissue sampling.
What are the follow up recommendations for a ground glass nodule seen on imaging?
< 6 mm - NO routine follow up
> 6 mm - CT at 6-12 months, then CT every 2 years until 5 years (or resolved)
How do you follow up a partially solid single lung nodule?
< 6mm - No routine follow up
> 6 mm - CT at 3-6 months, then annual CT x 5 years
How do you follow up multiple sub solid lung nodules?
< 6 mm CT at 3-6 months - if stable then consider at 2 and 4 years.
> 6 mm - CT in 3-6 months, with subsequent management based on the most suspicious nodules.
What are the features of NSIP on CT?
Ground Glass
Traction Bronchiectasis
** Lack of honeycombing**