Miscellaneous Flashcards
What are the seven steps involved in any motor vehicle stop, whether high or low risk?
- Contact (vehicle comes under your notice)
- Isolation
- Warning (signal vehicle to stop using lights and sirens)
- Stop (1m offset from VOI and either 7m or 12m behind depending on whether this is a routine or armed/dangerous stop)
- Check (for movement in vehicle including boot, doors, tray/trailer)
- Action / approach. This involves reporting location/details to radio, approaching vehicle (if not armed/dangerous), and issuing commands as necessary (e.g. getting offenders to put hands on head, exit vehicle if armed)
- Resolution (e.g. arrest/TIN)
What is the key to avoiding positional asphyxia when handcuffing a person?
Persons handcuffed should not be placed in a prone position for extended periods of time
What is positional asphyxia?
the sudden and unexplainable death of an individual shortly after having been taken into custody due to inadequate oxygen supply
If a subject has altered or difficult breathing after having being physically restrained or subdued, what should you avoid?
Avoid leaving the person lying prone on their stomach or in any position where pressure is exerted on the stomach or where the face is obstructed.
What are the 5 steps in the NSWPF tactical communication model?
- Ask - an ethical appeal. Just ask the person to do the thing
- Why - a reasonable appeal. Explain why you’re making the request
- Options - a personal appeal. Explain the different ways the situation can go for the person (negotiated solution) and what they could gain/lose
- Confirm - a practical appeal. Confirm the person is still resistant - give them a last chance.
- Action - appropriate tactical option
What are the 3 key elements of (weaponless) edged weapon defence
- Protect your body
- Create distance from the threat
- Stop continuation of the threat
What are the two techniques used when conducting a person search?
- the crush method
- using blade of hand
At what pace / in what manner should person searches be conducted?
Slow, systematic and thorough
What is the HOT principle and when is it used?
The HOT principle is used when determining whether an object is suspicious and potentially a bomb?
- Hidden?
- Obviously suspicious?
- Typical of area?
What must you NOT when you encounter a suspicious object that could be a bomb?