Miscellaneous Flashcards
Psoriatic Arthritis
Seronegative Arthropathy
- 5% of those with psoriasis will have associated psoriatic arthritis
Clinical Picture
- Sacroiliitis and spondylitis
- Other joints affected - DIP, Knees
Reactive Arthritis
Seronegative Arthropathy
- Following urogenital infection (Chlamydia) or gastroenteritis (Salmonella, Shigella)
Reiter’s Syndrome
- 1-3 weeks post infection
- Sacroiliitis
- Arthropathy of large peripheral joints such as ankles or knees. Fingers and toes can be affected
- Conjunctivitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Seronegative Arthropathy
Clinical Features
- Age < 40
- Sacroiliitis and stiffness
- Back pain persisting > 3 months
- Morning stiffness > 30 mins
- Improvement with exercise
- Not improved with rest
- 20% will have preceding peripheral joint arthropahty
Systemic Inflammation of skin and muscle
Clinical Features
- Symmetrical muscle weakness and wasting involving the proximal muscles of shoulder and pelvic girdle
- Any age
- Peak incidence 40-60yo
- F:M 2:1
- Muscle pain and tenderness
- Dysphagia due to oesophageal involvement
- Raynaud Phenomenon
DxT - Weakness + myalgia + arthralgia + violaceous facial rash = Dermatomyositis
- CK
- Skin and muscle biopsies
- EMG studies
- Corticosteroids
- Cytotoxic Drugs
- Early specialist referral.
- Non-pharmacological treatment
- Graded aerobic exercise
- Psychologist for CBT regarding lethargy and pain.
- Good sleep hygiene
- Review information on Arthritis Australia
- Amitriptyline 10mg PO Nocte
- Dothiepin 25mg PO Nocte
- Gabapentin/ Pregabalin
- Duloxetine