Misc. Prudent Information Flashcards
Percent bodyweight recommended for lumbar mechanical traction to reduce muscle spasm
25% for muscle spasm.
To isolate the supinator muscle and minimize action of the biceps, what position should the pt be put in?
Terminal elbow flexion, to maximally shorten the biceps and isolate the supinator.
What position of the wrist will allow palpation of the lunate?
Wrist flexion, the lunate is palpable just distal to the radial tubercle.
Initial on:off ratio for nmes electrical stim?
1:5 initially to avoid fatigue and may be increased as tolerated.
What diagnostic imaging is best used for Calcific Tendonitis?
X-ray is best due to the relative density of calcium, the greater density of the tissue the more visible it will be on a x-ray.
What is the first step of evidence based practice?
Pose an answerable clinical question. Similar to the scientific method, hypothesize first.
What is the main observation made during the Romberg balance test?
Amount of sway during test.
What is the main deficit expected with excessive w/c seat width?
Difficulty propelling the w/c, as the pt will have to excessively abduct their UEs to reach the wheels.
What is the normal degree of toe-out in free speed walking?
7 deg for free speed walking. Note:Toe-out deg will decrease with the increase walking speed.
What position is most appropriate to measure a high paraplegic SCI pt’s chest excursion?
Supine, as this will provide support and resistance to the diaphragm.
Standing posture plum line landmarks
Center of ear, posterior to hip, anterior to knee, anterior to lateral malleolus.
What bony landmark is just distal to the calcaneus, when palpating the lateral border of the foot?
the cuboid
Rate of cycles per minute for a CPM?
2 cycles/minute or 1 cycle/30 seconds
When taking blood pressure, what is the proper release of the bp cuff?
2-3 mm Hg per second
What is a Hickman catheter?
Catheter that inserts into the R atrium of the heart. Permits removal of blood samples, administering of medication & monitoring of central venous pressure
What is a Swan-Ganz catheter?
inserted through a vein, and eventually into the pulmonary artery. Measures pulmonary artery pressure.
Amount of weight to overcome friction with manual traction?
50% of total bodyweight. 160lbs = 80lbs to overcome friction.
What is Cheyne-Stokes?
Cycles of increasing tidal volumes followed by series of gradually decreasing tidal volumes and then a period of not breathing correctly describes a Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern
Normal inspiration:expiration ratio, at rest?
Proper sequencing of treatment for a parkinson’s patient
Relaxation and breathing exercises, trunk rotation activities in sitting position, and gait activities emphasizing timing assist with decreasing rigidity, increasing trunk rotation and increasing dynamic balance and coordination.
A forward-bent posture produces which physiological effect to help relieve dyspnea?
Improved length-tension relationship of the diaphragm
What is impetigo?
A highly infection bacterial skin infection. Common in pre school children.