misc important Flashcards
romberg test
pt stands feet together arms by side, push them to check balance (tests cerebellar ataxia)
acute cholecystitis investigation
gas transfer and transfer coefficients in asthma
both raised
Thomas test use
- hip flexion, tests rectus femoris, iliopsoas, pectineus, gracilis and tensor fascia latae and sartorius
trendelenburg test function
assess hip abduction. Tests gluteus medius and minimus. Weakness could be due to superior gluteal nerve damage or 5th lumbar spinal lesion.
Positive sign (pathological): The pelvis of the unsupported side sags due to a failure of the abductor muscles to stabilise the hip onto the weight-bearing femur.
wolf-parkinson-white ECG changes
short PR interval
Delta wave
Pre-hepatic jaundice
- urine and stools
- conjugated/unconjugated bilirubin
- normal urine and stool
- unconjugated bilirubin
Hepatic jaundice
- urine and stools
- conjugated/unconjugated bilirubin
- dark urine and normal stools
- conjugated and unconjugated
Post-hepatic jaundice
- urine and stools
- conjugated/unconjugated bilirubin
- other features
- dark urine and pale stools
- conjugated bilirubin
- pruritus (itchiness)
Buergers test use
peripheral vascular exam, assesses arterial insufficiency/claudication
- leg raised at angle, if insufficiency it will turn pale
syphilis management
single injection benzathine penicillin
meningitis prophylaxis
nerve roots for carpal tunnel syndrome
bone erosions are seen in
rheumatoid arthritis
eGFR for CKD
eGFR <60mls/min/
>3 months
AKI treatment
high flow oxygen + furosemide
scoring system developed to assess 1-year risk of major bleeding in patients taking anticoagulants with atrial fibrillation
first line treatment for heart failure
B blocker + ace inhibitor
skip lesions and cobblestone mucosa
thiazides act on
distal convoluted tubule
furosemide acts on
ascending limb of loop of Henle (loop diuretic)
Gohn complexes are associated with
C.diff is a
gram positive bacillus
weakness in shoulder abduction is caused by
axillary nerve injury
calcium, PTH and phosphate levels in hyperparathyroidism caused by vit D deficiency
- low calcium
- high PTH
- high phosphate
critical limb ischaemia sign in examination
Buerger’s test positive with an angle of less than 20 degrees
CKD stages by eGFR rates
KD stages: Stage 1 = >90, Stage 2 = 60-89, stage 3a = 45-59, stage 3b = 30-44, stage 4 = 15-29, end stage <15%