MISC - Common Px of testicular & scrotal disease Flashcards
22yo man, 1 week Hx of a painless lump in his scrotum.
Testicular cancer
Varicoceal (dilation of venous plexus)
Risk factors for testicular cancer
Cryptochordism (mal-descended testes): missed in 20-30%
Risk factors for epididymorchitis
How do you examine for varicoceal?
- Stand up to aid with gravity
- Cough/Valsalva manoeuver
The valves are incompetent in varicoceal.
What tumour markers do testes secrete?
beta hCG
Ix for testes
US (best)
Describe physical exam for the scrotal/testicular disease
Focused scrotal exam:
- inspection: erythema, oedema, transillumination
- palpation: size, shape, position, consistency, tenderness
- abdo: masses, hernia, liver, spleen
- lungs: effusion, consolidation
- lymph nodes
- neuro if necessary
Where do testicular cancers metastasise to?
Lymph nodes: retroperitoneal (lymphatics follow the vascular supply, for which the testicles, they come from high up where they developped)
Which testicular cancer does not produce tumour markers?
Seminomas usually do not produce tumour markers but sometimes produces a low level of beta hCG
How does “can get above it” differentiate your diagnosis in scrotal mass?
Can hold above scrotum near inguinal ligament: indicates that the mass origin is intrascrotal. e.g. hydrocoel
Cannot hold above scrotum near inguinal ligament: indicates that the mass origin is ABOVE scrotum. e.g. inguinal hernia.
Classify scrotal conditions:
- (5) benign intrascrotal
- (3) malignant intrascrotal
- (3) extrascrotal
Intrascrotal - Benign:
- hydrocoele
- epididymal cyst
- varicocoele
- benign tumour
- idiopathic scrotal oedema
Intrascrotal - malignant:
- testicular cancer
- lymphoma
- other
- inguinal hernia
- ascites
- generalised oedema
Scrotal lump is [what] until proven otherwise
Testicular cancer
What are the investigations of choice for testicular cancer?
Urgent scrotal US & tumour markers (alpha-fetoprotein, LDH, beta hCG)
Where do testicular cancers metastasise first to?
Retroperitoneal lymph nodes & chest (mediastinal LN & lungs)
Describe the clinical syndrome of the acute scrotum. What are its possible causes?
New onset scrotal pain +/- swelling, tenderness, erythema
MANY causes. Sources include appendage torsion, spermatic cord torsion, epididymitis, scrotal edema/erythema, orchitis, trauma, hernia/hydrocoele, varicocele, intrascrotal mass, other.
Discuss acute torsion of the spermatic cord
- (2) types
- (2) predisposing factors
- Px
- Rx
–Extravaginal (neonates)
•Predisposing factors
–Bell clapper deformity
•Clinical –Most common 12-18 yrs –Acute onset severe pain –+/- swelling –+/- precipitating event –N&V –Early presentation
Rx: fixation +/- dartos pouch
What are the possible findings on examination of spermatic cord torsion?
–Tender firm testicle –High-riding testicle –Horizontal lie –Absent cremasteric reflex –No pain relief with elevation –Thickened spermatic cord –Epididymis not posterior to testis
When should you perform an ultrasound or not in acute scrotum?
If probable torsion or high index of suspicion for it, EXPLORE (not US)
If confident it is not torsion & low index of suspicion for it, US to ‘rule out’ torsion & establish Dx.
Describe torsion of testicular appendage
- Appendix testis/epididymis
- Most common cause of acute scrotum in pre-pubertal boys!!
- Localised pain/tenderness superior pole of testis
- Usually less severe
- ‘Blue-dot’ sign
- Conservative management (NSAIDs)
Describe epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis
- onset
- Px
- RFs
- Ix
•More insidious onset •Gradually worsening pain •?Urethritis / discharge •?irritative LUTS •RFs: IDC, chronic retention , structural abnormality, instrumentation •PE –Swelling / tenderness –Fever –Hydrocoele •Ix: –U/A and MSU –Urine / urethral swab for PCR –USS
What are the causes of epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis?
- men less than 35yo: (STIs) Neisseria Gonorrhoae, Chlamydia trachomatis
- men >35yo: E. coli, other GNBs
Viral: mumps, Coxsackie
Granulomatous: TB, BCG
- Autoimmune: Behcet’s
- Drug: Amiodarone
- Testicular tumour
What are the treatments of epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis?
•Elevation •Analgesia •Empiric ABs •GNB coverage –Trimethoprim / cephalexin /augmentin / norfloxacin x 2/52 –Amp & gent •STI coverage –Ceftriaxone 500 mg IM OD x 3/7 & azithromycin 1 g PO stat & doxycycline 100 mg BID x 2/52 (or second PO dose pf azithromycin at 1 week
•Resolution –Pain in 2-3/7 –Swelling ~months •Failure to resolve –Resistance? –Complication? (USS) –Tumour??? (USS) •Follow-up –STI screen and contact tracing etc. –If UTI -> urology
Discuss blunt testicular trauma
- Px
- Mx
- Contusion -> fracture-dislocation
- CFs: pain, swelling, bruising, haematocoele
- ?urethral injury
- ?tunica albuginea intact
- Tx: early exploration (within 72 hours!)
Acute scrotal swelling/pain in young boys is [what] until proven otherwise.
Testicular torsion
Px of testicular torsion
- Pain
- Diffuse tenderness
- Horizontal lie of testicle
- Absent cremaster reflex, negative Prehn’s sign
Px of epididymitis
- pain
- epididymal tenderness
- present cremasteric reflex
- positive Prehn’s sign
Px of orchitis
- pain
- diffuse tenderness
- present cremaster reflex
- positive Prehn’s sign
Px of haematocele
- Pain
- diffuse tenderness
- NO transillumination
Px of hydrocele
- NO pain
- testis NOT separable from hydrocele
- palpable cord
- transillumination
- hx of trauma
I.e. transillumination only in hydrocele + spermatocele.
Px of spermatocele
- NO pain
- testis separable from spermatocele
- cord palpable
- transillumiation
Px of varicocele
- NO pain
- ‘bag of worms’
- NO transillumination
- increases in size with Valsalva & decreases in size if supine
Px of indirect inguinal hernia
- NO pain (but yes if strangulated)
- testis SEPARABLE from hernia
- cord not palpable
- cough impulse may transmit
- may be reducible
- no transillumination
Px of tumour of testis
- NO pain (but yes if haemorrhagic)
- hard lump/nodule
Px of generaslied/dependent oedema in testis
- NO pain
- diffuse swelling
- often post op or immobilised. check for liver dysfunction